Italy faces catastrophic collapse of Catholic faith as Mass attendance falls to 10% or below - LifeSite

The steady, even accelerating, decline in the practice of the Catholic faith among Italians is detailed …
Billy F
Simone Grazie per l’informazione.
Simone Castaldo
Prego :)
Simone Castaldo
Are you italian?
Billy F
Italo Americano. Parlo un poco Italiano ma non buono. 😂 I miei dinonni sono partiti Napoli in 1930s. La Mia famiglia sono di Napoli e di Sardinia.
Simone Castaldo
I'm Italian.
Here so much people even between that one go in the Church, go there only couse it is a tradition here but not belive really infact they talk in Church and if you say to stay quiet they get ungry.
I think here not so much faithful, only sometimes a little when there is a rare serious priest and stop.
Everyday for Life Canada
God tells us the we can do nothing without Him. We keep telling God that we can do everything without Him. This is not going to end well for Italy and the rest of the West.