
Benedict XVI Called Francis’ Action “Unjust And Unacceptable”

Monsignor Livio Melina has revealed regrettable information about Benedict XVI (VeritasAmoris.org, 4 January).

Francis dismissed Melina, one of the Church's best moral theologians, as president of the Family Institute in Rome in 2016 and as professor in July 2019.

Afterwards, Benedict XVI, a long-time friend of Melina, invited him for ameeting and conversation. As a young priest, Melina worked under Ratzinger in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. It was Ratzinger who recommended him for the position at the Family Institute.

"What can I do for you?" asked Benedict Melina on 1 August 2019. A series of meetings followed until January 2020.

Melina' recalls that Benedict deemed Francis' action "unjust and unacceptable". He had "tried by various means to get a rethink from those in charge [= Francis]."

When it became clear that Melina's reinstatement was "impossible" and an administrative appeal futile, Benedict welcomed "with great enthusiasm" the idea of launching new research initiatives as part of the Veritas Amoris project - a booby prize for marginalised Catholics.

Picture: © M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsLbadwnilaz

Salvatore Bastatti
The Ratzinger issue of why he resigned still lingers like a warm, moist excrescnce that suffocates breathing. Evil must be faced squarely, and not allowed to linger like Bergoglio has been allowed to.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That was about the firing of an orthodox and traditional professor who was a monsignor, fired by Francis. It would have been better if Benedict XVI had forcefully said these words about Francis' hatred and persecution and supression of the Latin Mass.