Open letter to pope Francis

Holy Father, In these times of darkness, which under the pretext of the fight against the corona flu are descending on the earth, it seems natural to me to address Your Holiness. To whom could we turn …More
Holy Father,
In these times of darkness, which under the pretext of the fight against the corona flu are descending on the earth, it seems natural to me to address Your Holiness. To whom could we turn and cry out in despair if not to the successor of Peter?
The Catholic people, the people of God, are well aware that the Vatican is certainly not the WHO, and no Catholic in good faith can reproach the Church and Your Holiness for having, at least initially, believed in the directives of the greatest virologists. Moreover, these directives have been approved not only by almost all the scientific authorities of our modern civilisations, but also by the entire planetary intelligentsia (intellectuals, philosophers, heads of state). It is true, however, that the few courageous scientists who have from the beginning questioned the official version have been sidelined, sometimes even placed in psychiatry. Your Holiness has seen fit, in such a context, to endorse the precautionary principle with …More
St. Dymphna
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