Gloria.TV News on the 9th of November 2015 Treasures of God? In an interview by a Dutch newspaper Pope Francis was asked whether he ever felt pressure to sell the Church’s treasures. He replied, "This …More
Gloria.TV News on the 9th of November 2015

Treasures of God? In an interview by a Dutch newspaper Pope Francis was asked whether he ever felt pressure to sell the Church’s treasures. He replied, "This is an easy question. They are not the treasures of the Church, but the treasures of humanity. If tomorrow I say that Michelangelo's Pieta is going to be auctioned, it can't be done, because it's not the property of the Church. It's inside a Church, but it belongs to humanity."

Directly from Santa Marta? End of October the flamboyant Francesca Chaouqui was briefly arrested for having leaked Vatican documents to journalists. After her release she strongly protested her innocence. But yesterday Vatican Insider, which receives information directly from Pope Francis, wrote that Chaouqui was released only because she is pregnant. She is still believe to have been the one who acted as intermediary between the journalists and the other suspect, Monsignor Vallejo Balda, who allegedly sought revenge after he failed to be appointed a deputy of Cardinal Pell.

Fight Homosex: Hong Kong Cardinal John Tong Hon has called on voters to support political candidates who oppose same-sex pseudo-marriage politicians in future elections. In a statement released on Nov. 6, Tong denounced a misguided homosex culture that has publicly and pompously intruded on people's lives and is directly affecting the next generation.

More Liberal? Hong Kong Auxiliary bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung has spoken in defence of Cardinal Tong who was attacked for criticizing homosexualism. Justifying the criticisms, Yeung gave an example: “It is wrong to abuse drugs, but we still love drug addicts.” The South China Morning Post asked whether the local church was taking a harsher line on homosexualism than Pope Francis, who – quote – “has struck a more liberal tone”.
Maria a Corde Jesu
¡Muuuuy bieeeen, Dr. González en español, estoy totalmente de acuerdo! 👍
Maria a Corde Jesu
@Fiel A Cristo Disculpen, pero me parece un tanto cómico que, siendo la mayoría de los foreros de habla española, se intercambien en inglés, además de que no lo hablen correctamente... 😜
Hong Kong Auxiliary bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung has spoken in defence of Cardinal Tong who was attacked for criticizing homosexualism. 👍 🙏 🤗
Fiel A Cristo
My dear brother does not understand much English just a bit. But if I saw you did an iron and very good defense for me. And I appreciate it is absolutely right in what you say, you really appreciate this defense in our favor. As you are not well explained Lefebvrist and they took us through such accounts after canceling our insult for no reason. We have suffered much this unfair …More
My dear brother does not understand much English just a bit. But if I saw you did an iron and very good defense for me. And I appreciate it is absolutely right in what you say, you really appreciate this defense in our favor. As you are not well explained Lefebvrist and they took us through such accounts after canceling our insult for no reason. We have suffered much this unfair discrimination, but me. I would sincerely appreciate your support for us. And count on me for whatever you need. A brother here. Here a friend.
Francesco Federico
John 12:1-8
1 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.
2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.
3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled …More
John 12:1-8

1 Six days before the Passover, Jesus arrived at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.

2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.

3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

4 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected,

5 "Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages. "

6 He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

7 "Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "[It was intended] that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.

8 You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."
Francesco Federico
John 12:1-8
1 Iesus ergo ante sex dies paschae venit Bethaniam ubi fuerat Lazarus mortuus quem suscitavit Iesus
2 fecerunt autem ei cenam ibi et Martha ministrabat Lazarus vero unus erat ex discumbentibus cum eo
3 Maria ergo accepit libram unguenti nardi pistici pretiosi unxit pedes Iesu et extersit capillis suis pedes eius et domus impleta est ex odore unguenti
4 dicit ergo unus ex discipulis eius …More
John 12:1-8

1 Iesus ergo ante sex dies paschae venit Bethaniam ubi fuerat Lazarus mortuus quem suscitavit Iesus

2 fecerunt autem ei cenam ibi et Martha ministrabat Lazarus vero unus erat ex discumbentibus cum eo

3 Maria ergo accepit libram unguenti nardi pistici pretiosi unxit pedes Iesu et extersit capillis suis pedes eius et domus impleta est ex odore unguenti

4 dicit ergo unus ex discipulis eius Iudas Scariotis qui erat eum traditurus

5 quare hoc unguentum non veniit trecentis denariis et datum est egenis

6 dixit autem hoc non quia de egenis pertinebat ad eum sed quia fur erat et loculos habens ea quae mittebantur portabat

7 dixit ergo Iesus sine illam ut in die sepulturae meae servet illud

8 pauperes enim semper habetis vobiscum me autem non semper habetis
When we will see this headline in Gloria TV news...
Hypocrisy: Gloria TV news in Spanish is intolerant of all people who supports the SSPX, despite, we all know how harsh sometimes the faithful in the SSPX could be, when talking about 'pope' Francis, they never insult him with bad words and indecent language, but when most Catholics defend the liberal 'pope', they insult anyone with indecent words …More
When we will see this headline in Gloria TV news...

Hypocrisy: Gloria TV news in Spanish is intolerant of all people who supports the SSPX, despite, we all know how harsh sometimes the faithful in the SSPX could be, when talking about 'pope' Francis, they never insult him with bad words and indecent language, but when most Catholics defend the liberal 'pope', they insult anyone with indecent words and language which reflects no Christianity whatsoever.

Despite the excommunications being lifted and this liberal 'pope' said: "yeah you could hear confessions no matter if it is an abortionist or a mother who has assassinated her child" (despite those deeds make those assassins to be excommunicated from the Church...), the Spanish Gloria TV continues to call anyone against this 'pope' as "lefebvrists", demons, legalists and Jehovah witnesses (even if they're not from the SSPX)...

@Fiel A Cristo (User: Fiel A Cristo - translation: Faithful to Christ) he is of the SSPX in Spain and was kicked out from Gloria due to pure Hypocrisy, when, some of Francis 'cheerleaders' has constantly use indecent language to inflict those who oppose to his beautiful but ambiguous 'teachings', which leads to confusion...

Francis Cheerleaders continue to defend his words when not even Francis defend his own words, even, if it contradicts Jesus Holy words...

Hypocrisy because those who use bad and indecent language are still out there enjoying their freedom, and they like to contradict their liberal 'pope', because Francis himself has proclaim a worldly quote: 'Live and let live' and his false mercy puppets proclaimed that we shouldn't go against anyone's conscience...

Well we are not allowed to be free, we are not allowed his worldly 'live and let live' and live by proclaiming Jesus Holy words and MOST of all, we are NOT allowed to resist this Liberal 'pope' because that's a 'Lefebvrist' behavior, when IT IS Catholic teaching that we shouldn't follow wolves in sheep clothing, rather pray for them and obey God rather than men...

But his cheerleaders serve their master well, as this is the only 'pope' in the 2000+ years of tradition, who constantly hammers faithful Catholics by calling them 'hermeneutical', closed minded, Rosary counters, pelagians, restaurationists, museum mummy, Ideologue and indecent like when he said "f*%#!" to the faithful in Italian or when he said "formenter of coprophagia" in Argentina.

Those who slander their brothers and even worse with indecent words are not Christians, BUT Spanish Gloria TV allow this behavior to happen and even those who are suppose to be moderators, PARTICIPATE with their omissions, blocked articles, and allow the hacking of certain users.

Those in the Gloria TV news constantly report the Hypocrisy that comes from our Pastors, but turn a blind eye with their own moderators and even let the Spanish Gloria to insult Gloria constantly, IF Gloria TV in Spanish had the power to remove father Reto and those who are responsible for the news, THEY WOULD'VE KICKED THEM OUT LONG AGO, but they just don't want to hear it anymore and prefer to turn a blind eye about that side of Gloria TV.

When we will see this 'type' of news... never, after this post, I'll just wait for them to erase it or erase me... but the truth... continues to be the truth, even though if you silence it.

God bless you and allow you to open you eyes. Amen
Cuando vamos a ver este titular en Gloria TV...
Hipocresía: Gloria TV en español es intolerante con toda la gente que apoya la Fraternidad San Pío X, a pesar de que todos sabemos lo duro que a veces los fieles de la FSSPX podrían ser cuando se refieren al 'Papa' Francisco, estos nunca le insultan con malas palabras y lenguaje indecente, pero cuando se trata de defendee a este 'Papa' liberal, sus …More
Cuando vamos a ver este titular en Gloria TV...

Hipocresía: Gloria TV en español es intolerante con toda la gente que apoya la Fraternidad San Pío X, a pesar de que todos sabemos lo duro que a veces los fieles de la FSSPX podrían ser cuando se refieren al 'Papa' Francisco, estos nunca le insultan con malas palabras y lenguaje indecente, pero cuando se trata de defendee a este 'Papa' liberal, sus porristas insultan a quién sea con palabras y lenguaje indecente que reflejan CERO cristianismo.

A pesar que las excomulgaciones fueron levantadas y el sin sentido de Francisco: "sí, la SSPX pueden oír confesiones en este año de misericordia", (no importa si se trata de un abortista o una madre que ha asesinado a su hijo - a pesar de estos asesinos son excomulgados iso facto de la Iglesia...)

Gloria TV en español sigue llamando a quién sea que hable en contra de este 'Papa' como "lefebvrianos"(incluso si no son de la Fraternidad San Pío X) , demonios, legalistas y testigos de Jehová...

@Fiel A Cristo (El usuario Fiel A Cristo) es de la Fraternidad San Pío X de España y ha sido echado de Gloria TV debido a hipocresía pura, cuando la mayoría de los 'porristas' de Francisco utilizan constantemente, lenguaje indecente para infligir aquellos que se oponen a Francisco y sus hermosas pero ambiguas 'enseñanzas', cuales llevan a pura confusión...

Los Porristas de Francisco siguen defendiendo sus palabras cuando ni siquiera Francisco mismo defiende sus propias palabras, incluso si contradice las Santas palabras de Jesús...

Hipocresía, porque los que usan lenguaje malo y indecente todavía están por ahí disfrutando de su libertad, y les gusta contradecir a su 'papa' liberal, porque el propio Francisco ha proclamado una cita mundana: "Vive y deja vivir' y sus títeres de falsa misericordia proclamando que 'no hay que ir contra la conciencia de nadie...'

Bueno, a nosotros no se nos permite ser libres, no se nos permite vivir su mundana cita 'vive y deja vivir', no se nos deja vivir proclamando las palabras de Jesús y sobre todo, no se nos permite resistir a este 'Papa' Liberal porque eso es un comportamiento'lefebvriano', cuando es enseñanza católica que no debemos seguir a lobos con piel de oveja, sino, orar por ellos y obedecer a Dios antes que a los hombres...

Pero los porristas sirven a su amo bien, ya que este es el único 'Papa' en los 2000 + años de tradición, que constantemente martillea a fieles católicos llamándoles 'hermenéuticos', cerrados de mente, contadores de Rosario, pelagianos, restauracionistas, Museo de Momias, ideólogo e hasta palabras indecentes como cuando dijo: "f *% #!" a los fieles en italiano o cuando dijo "Formentador de coprofagia" en la Argentina.

Los que calumnian a sus hermanos y lo que es peor, con palabras indecentes no son cristianos, pero Gloria TV en español permiten que este comportamiento suceda e incluso aquellos que se supone que deben ser moderadores, participan con sus omisiones y hechos, bloqueando artículos que ni siquiera se tratan de Francisco, y permiten que le pirateen (hackear) las cuentas a ciertos usuarios.

Los que están en las noticias de televisión Gloria en inglés, informan constantemente la hipocresía que proviene de nuestros pastores, pero hacen de la vista gorda con sus propios moderadores e incluso dejan que Gloria TV en español insulten a Gloria en general constantemente, SI Gloria TV en español contara con el poder de eliminar al padre Reto y aquellos que son responsables de la noticias en inglés, HACE MUCHO QUE LOS HUBIERAN ECHADOS DE GLORIA TV, pero simplemente no quieren escuchar esto más y prefieren hacerce de la vista gorda sobre ese lado de Gloria TV.

Cuando veremos este "tipo" de noticias ... nunca, después de este post mío espero que lo borren o me echen de aquí... pero la verdad, sigue siendo la verdad a pesar de silenciarla.
Dios les bendiga y les permite abrir sus ojos. Amén