
Victims of Egypt Bus Attack: Killed For Refusing to Renounce Christ

The victims of the recent attack on a bus near the town of Menya, Egypt, were asked to renounce their Christian faith before being shot, Coptic-Orthodox Bishop Makarios told Associated Press. The assailants ordered the victims out of the bus, they were travelling in, and promised to spare their lives if they would convert to Islam. But “they chose death”, Makarios said, because the Christians are “proud to die while holding on to our faith".

Picture: Coptic Othdodox Christians, © José M. Ruibérriz, CC BY-NC, #newsQgdpzgxcfh
May all victims of terror and political persecution rest in peace, and the Eternal Light shine upon them, Amen.
Julia Ibrahim, one of the survivors from the Coptic bus attack, "We refused to become muslims, so they shoot us!"