
Unfair Attack on Cardinal Burke

The liberal Spanish periodistadigital.com slammed Cardinal Raymond Burke because on May 13th, while being in Fatima, he did not concelebrate with Pope Francis, but attended the mass within a group of pilgrims he was accompanying. According to Canon Law no priest is obliged to concelebrate.

A day later, Burke concelebrated with Leiria-Fátima Bishop Antonio Marto. Now periodistadigital.com complains that during the homily he prayed the rosary. The site quotes Bragança Bishop José Manuel Cordeiro who claimed that Burke's attitude "was an attempt against the criterion of an active, conscientious and fruitful participation at the liturgy".

The truth is more down-to-earth: Cardinal Burke prayed the rosary during the Portuguese homily because he does not understand this language.

Picture: Raymond Burke, © KosmoKarlos Photography, CC BY-NC, #newsTilzbgkdqm
Note that the phony Bishop gets hysterically outraged over the Holy Rosary. Like Satan does.