News on the 7th of July. Internal critics of Pope Francis are about to publish "anonymous dossiers" about persons close to him according to the anti-Catholic Italian media friendly to Francis. The …More
News on the 7th of July.
Internal critics of Pope Francis are about to publish "anonymous dossiers" about persons close to him according to the anti-Catholic Italian media friendly to Francis. The dossiers regard people who have a skeleton in their closet. These media write that it is "quite evident", that a fight between the Francis wing and the Catholic wing is going on in the Vatican.
According to Italian media reports, Pope Francis has started isolating himself in the refectory of the Casa Santa Marta where he is living. Until now, the table, where he was eating, was in the center of the refectory. Now it is in a corner. Francis is eating with his back toward the others surrounding himself with a few selected table companions.
Leftwing Italian media are afraid that the fired Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, could become the new point of reference of the Catholic wing of the bishops. Especially the bishops of those countries,…More
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