
Germans Mock Last Supper

Essen Diocese, Germany, posted AI-generated images mocking Christ during Holy Week.

On Palm Sunday, they showed a grinning Christ in jeans, shirt and large earrings riding a bicycle (below).

On Thursday of Holy Week, Essen's mock Jesus attended a pizza party instead of celebrating the Last Last Supper and instituting Mass and the priesthood.

The diocese conceded that a pizza was "not in keeping with tradition", but that at a gathering of friends today, they would probably share a pizza rather than bread - except that the Last Supper was neither a "pizza party" nor a "gathering of friends".

Essen Diocese is currently being driven against to the wall by the homosexualist Franz-Josef Overbeck.


Credo .
In Germany begins a dance,
which spreads through Italy, Spain and France;
But England shall pay the piper.
(On a gravestone in Essex, England.)
This can happen anywhere where there is NO God. Pray for the German people.
Germany is sick 🤢🤮. And has been so for a very, very long time. Infected and possessed by a dark, diabolical miasma of the mind and soul. May God rebuke this repugnant and rebellious land and cure it of its infinite abominations.
Please don't post this blasphemy.
De Profundis
Agreed. Tell the Bishop of Essen.
Tina H
Pfft. Tell the bishop? Good luck.
De Profundis
There is a lack of natural intelligence in Essen Diocese