
Vatican "Youth Synod" Poses New Threat To Faith

'Voice of the Family" warns of the 2018 Synod of Bishops on “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment” after having reviewed the preparatory document.

The document views vocations from a worldly perspective, "Nowhere does it note the crucial distinction between the authentic vocations and other life choices." It is concerned with problems dear to the secular world like “unemployment”, “environment” or “multi-culturalism”.

The document undermines the Church’s teaching authority by claiming that "the Church will once again hear the Lord speaking in today’s world" if she listens to young people. This implies that the Church is not currently hearing the Lord, that “young people” should guide the Church, and that the teachings of the Church are not suited to “today’s world”.

In the document it is even said, that "young people know how to discern the signs of our times". 'Voice of the Family' replies, that "young people" have no special insight into the "signs of the times", but the view of "young people" in the document is "typical of clerics who have yet to leave behind the mentality of the 1960s."

The document has a negative view of the Church’s Tradition, stating that “the goal of every serious pastoral vocational program” is “fully removed from practices of the past” or when it claims, that “the old approaches no longer work". Reality, however, shows that vocations grow where the formation is inspired by "practices of the past" and close to the "old approaches".

The document has a negative view of parents and older people insinuating that "the older generations often tend to underestimate young people’s potential” or that parents “oftentimes… do not have a clear idea of how to help young people focus on the future”.

'Voice of the Family' fears, that the next Synod will be as destructive to the integrity of the Catholic faith as the "Family Synod" was.

It foresees that requests from preselected and manipulated "young people" will be used for another assault, in which ill-catechised and malformed youth will be used against the Church.

Picture: © Jeffrey Bruno, Aleteia, CC BY-SA, #newsRetlxtxcgp
He and his political supporters are a living disaster... living behind the big massive Vatican walls, but hands over little children and the youth to wolves in sheep´s clothing, to the Jihadists, the Abortionists and the Sodomites in politics and society... He does not deserve to kiss one little child. God help us!
I don't know what to say?!
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio is destruction, a deceiver. His unfaithful, worldly actions against our Lord Jesus are so numerous now, that it is clearly the duty of every faithful Catholic to strongly proclaim the Holy Word. In unity, in our beloved Christ, we must stand and be the light that exposes and humiliates this enemy of our great Church. Jesus The Truth, is greater than satan's son, Bergoglio.
- Joseph
Unfortunately Voice of the Family's fears will become a reality under this current so called Pope.