
With Francis' "Magisterial Authority": "The Liturgical Reform Is Irreversible"

"We can affirm with certainty and magisterial authority that the [failed] liturgical reform is irreversible", Pope Francis proclaimed August 24 in a speech to 800 participants of a so-called liturgical week. Francis is not known for taking the magisterial authority of his predecessors very seriously.

Francis recalled in his speech historical forerunners of the liturgical reform such as changes made by Pius X or the changes in the Easter liturgy made by Pius XII. Francis claimed that the liturgical reform helped the faithful to be not "mute spectators" but active participants.

In reality, the so-called liturgical reform was the beginning of a mass-exodus from the Church.

Picture: © korea.net, CC BY-SA, #newsJmlqwikpit
Bergoglio is nothing but an aging communist thug. He can't even pretend to be a pope, that's how untalented he is.
They've been conning you people for over 50 years...nothing was changed, nothing was reformed.
They couldn't change or reform...all they did was create an illusion, and then counted on the lay people to act it out.
Which they have.
To Vatican hierarchy: Stop it!!! You do NOT have the authority to change the liturgy. It was codified by St Pius V after the Council of Trent. I know, you like to revert back to VII as the council which justified the modernist changes by the hack Bugninni. Understand your charter is to protect the Roman Catholic church from innovators.
Sad news for Jorge, The truth is irreversible, which leaves him to be nothing but a bad Pope!
Note to Francis: God has other plans. The protestant liturgical reform will be condemned and anathematized by a future holy pope.
"He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life" 1 John 5,12
Catholic faith "He who has the Son has the life " 1 John 5,12
...not unlike a drop of wine into a cup of water.
Thanks Dr Bobus.... 👍
Dr Bobus
It can be found on the Vatican website under papal discourses.
Dopo questo magistero, dopo questo lungo cammino possiamo affermare con sicurezza e con autorità magisteriale che la riforma liturgica è irreversibile.More
It can be found on the Vatican website under papal discourses.

Dopo questo magistero, dopo questo lungo cammino possiamo affermare con sicurezza e con autorità magisteriale che la riforma liturgica è irreversibile.
Dr Bobus
If his comments during a speech indicate Magisterial Certitude, then even more certitude must be attributed to an Apostolic Constitution, Quo Primum, which says in its promotion of the historical Roman Rite:
"Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Would anyone …More
If his comments during a speech indicate Magisterial Certitude, then even more certitude must be attributed to an Apostolic Constitution, Quo Primum, which says in its promotion of the historical Roman Rite:

"Therefore, no one whosoever is permitted to alter this notice of Our permission, statute, ordinance, command, precept, grant, indult, declaration, will, decree, and prohibition. Would anyone, however, presume to commit such an act, he should know that he will incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul."
There is no corroborative evidence posted here, for this post. Whoever posted this, please post the evidence for the information contained herein. If there is no evidence for this statement, this is a misleading and morally irresponsible post. I thought Gloria.TV strove to report THE TRUTH, not hearsay, rumour and 'alternative facts'. Yet again, please provide evidence for the veracity of the content …More
There is no corroborative evidence posted here, for this post. Whoever posted this, please post the evidence for the information contained herein. If there is no evidence for this statement, this is a misleading and morally irresponsible post. I thought Gloria.TV strove to report THE TRUTH, not hearsay, rumour and 'alternative facts'. Yet again, please provide evidence for the veracity of the content of this post. Thanks. 🤗
Dr Bobus
The pope seems not to understand the difference between the Teaching Office (Magisterium) and the Governing Office of the Church.