De Profundis
Because we do not fully know what will happen in mammals when genes are silenced or modified, experiments using CRISPER/Cas9 can lead to unexpected results. Older "knockout" models were limited in terms …More
Because we do not fully know what will happen in mammals when genes are silenced or modified, experiments using CRISPER/Cas9 can lead to unexpected results. Older "knockout" models were limited in terms of inferences. CRISPR biotech is a whole new world.
Well, now they can just give the little mammals a genetically altered "vax" so they can die 'suddenly and unexpectedly"
There are a lot of Frankensteins around the world today ,with a lot of money in their pockets that can buy a lot of people , specially politicians the media even clergy in order to do their evil deeds
John A Cassani
People used to be smart enough to heed the warnings of Frankenstein and the like. Of course, they were God fearing people who had the smarts to stay away from the dangerous unknowns.
Ave Crux
When mad scientists begin to experiment with the very building blocks of life -- without even remotely foreseeing the unimaginably damaging cascading effects this could have within a complexity of design of which they have absolutely no comprehension -- they risk the total implosion of genetic integrity. The mRNA vaccines can certainly be the beginning of this implosion. It seems God's intervention …More
When mad scientists begin to experiment with the very building blocks of life -- without even remotely foreseeing the unimaginably damaging cascading effects this could have within a complexity of design of which they have absolutely no comprehension -- they risk the total implosion of genetic integrity. The mRNA vaccines can certainly be the beginning of this implosion. It seems God's intervention cannot be far off.