
Bishop Vigano compares the betrayal of the Roman clergy to that of Caiaphas' Sanhedrin and predicts a Titus-like chastisement

...The Jewish people, kept in ignorance by the religious authorities of these times, must have been bewildered and scandalized because their simple faith taught them that the time had now come for the Messiah to be born in the city of Bethlehem. It is for this reason that the entire priestly class - the tribe of Levi - was dispersed with the destruction of the Temple by the Emperor Titus, and to this day the children of the Synagogue are scattered throughout the world, with no place of worship and no place to reestablish the genealogy of the Levites to offer sacrifices. Terrible fate for a people, because of the betrayal of its priests !

Yet, in the face of the evidence of the severity with which the Lord judges His Ministers, especially when they fail in their sacred duties and deceive the faithful, the clergy of the New Testament seem to take lightly their own faults, their own infidelities, their own silences before those who proclaim error and deny or silence the Truth. We find in them the same pride, the same foolish presumption to defy Heaven, which is irrevocably punished by Nemesis, the fatal punisher of abuse of authority and pride. Let the tyrants of this world, invested with civil and ecclesiastical office, and those who pay them servile homage for fear of appearing to be against the tide or of being labeled rigid fundamentalist not inclusive and divisive remember this well. Think of those who, by fraudulently using authority for purposes contrary to the legitimate one, believe they can rule over their subjects: nil inultum remanebit...

The entire homily of Bishop Vigano in

Viganò Homily On the Feast of the Purification of Mary Most Holy

Mons. Viganò paragona il tradimento del clero roma…

Mgr Vigano compare la trahison du clergé romain à …
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The entire homily translated by the Remnant Viganò Homily On the Feast of the Purification of Mary Most Holy
Susan Bromley
The typical hysterical and conspiratorial fake news we’ve come to expect from Abp. Vigano (andnot withstanding the fact that ++Lefebvre approved the 62 missal, used it himself, and instructed all SSPX priests to use it).
It was always the case before VII: “The Canonical Hours, from Ancient Sources. By a Catholic Priest.” (1868)More
The typical hysterical and conspiratorial fake news we’ve come to expect from Abp. Vigano (andnot withstanding the fact that ++Lefebvre approved the 62 missal, used it himself, and instructed all SSPX priests to use it).

It was always the case before VII: “The Canonical Hours, from Ancient Sources. By a Catholic Priest.” (1868)
@Susan Bromley I know, I know. It’s so sad. He had so much potential and could have been such a phenomenal instrument of great and tremendous good for the Church in the darkness of this hour. But alas, he’s fallen deeply (but hopefully not irretrievably) into the discombobulating rabbit hole of conspiratorial politics, and even worse: schism. It’s like having a wonderful meal with many delicious …More
@Susan Bromley I know, I know. It’s so sad. He had so much potential and could have been such a phenomenal instrument of great and tremendous good for the Church in the darkness of this hour. But alas, he’s fallen deeply (but hopefully not irretrievably) into the discombobulating rabbit hole of conspiratorial politics, and even worse: schism. It’s like having a wonderful meal with many delicious delights and all of the trimmings set before you on a plate or platter, but when you look closely at it, you see a big roach crawling all across the food, or you notice a piece of excrement placed in the center of the plate. Thus, to your great dismay, disgust and disappointment, you cannot eat or partake of it. For it is contaminated and inedible. Such is the case with the Archbishop. He has many gifts, things that perhaps are needed or that could be put to good use. And therefore, you grieve for what could have been or could still be, but you cannot partake of what he offers…because it is tainted. Sad…so very sad, indeed.
@susanbromley February 2 was a Marian Feast from the 8th C. until 1969. Arch Vigano is hardly hysterical or conspiratorial. In fact, quite the opposite. His comments are factually correct, logical, and inarguable. They acknowledge the fact that after Vatican II many things which could not be changed because they contradicted established doctrine WERE changed in order to appeal to Protestants.
And …More
@susanbromley February 2 was a Marian Feast from the 8th C. until 1969. Arch Vigano is hardly hysterical or conspiratorial. In fact, quite the opposite. His comments are factually correct, logical, and inarguable. They acknowledge the fact that after Vatican II many things which could not be changed because they contradicted established doctrine WERE changed in order to appeal to Protestants.
And even when they could be changed, like making a feast Christocentric which had been Marian for 1200 years, they were changed according to a hidden agenda which is now widely known and recognized. Reading your previous comments which don't really remind me of a wonderful meal, but more like a surgery where the wrong organ is extracted and then you see the diseased organ, gangrenous and putrid, dripping green pus into the abdominal cavity but you can't take it out because it's all the person has left so you sew them up and wait for the inevitable agonizing outcome. Oh...and there might have been a little bit of liquid stool in there too. So you go and tell the family that mistakes were made and everyone needs to move along now. Yes Susan, you have made some mistakes, not the least of which is comparing Archbishop Vigano to a roach and a turd. Hope you Holocaust Remembrance Day was everything you dreamed it would be.
Where is the homily in English and who wrote this? "which is irrevocably punished by Nemesis, the fatal punisher of abuse of authority and pride." Nemesis????
True Mass
God Love and protect your True and Faithful Warrior Archbishop Vigano.
Where is the homily in English and who wrote this? "which is irrevocably punished by Nemesis, the fatal punisher of abuse of authority and pride." Nemesis????