What do you notice?
“What do you notice”…… Well, looks like to me, @DefendTruth that descendants of People from some of the nations that were invaded, conquered, occupied, ruled and exploited by Britannia, have now come to positions of power in the homeland of their previous oppressors. That’s what it looks like to me. A little “turnabout is fair play” for ya. Or “when the shoe is on the other foot.” 😉😎More
“What do you notice”…… Well, looks like to me, @DefendTruth that descendants of People from some of the nations that were invaded, conquered, occupied, ruled and exploited by Britannia, have now come to positions of power in the homeland of their previous oppressors. That’s what it looks like to me. A little “turnabout is fair play” for ya. Or “when the shoe is on the other foot.” 😉😎 What do you expect when you have slain the Priests of the Lord whose blood still cries out, and stolen His lands, and closed down His Monasteries as you murdered His holy Religious, and robbed His treasuries, and pulled down His Temples, forsaking the obedience of His own Vicar and establishing a false sect with a false priesthood born of adultery and lust, utterly squandering Mary’s Dowry. God will not be mocked. The chickens have come home to roost.
Everyday for Life Canada
Diversity is our downfall.
English Catholic
@DefendTruth You may have been following the story of Lee Anderson who was suspended by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for making allegedly 'Islamophobic' remarks regarding the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan. Rishi Sunak squirms as Lee Anderson doubles down on Islamophobic rant and update: Lee Anderson: Here's exactly why I won't apologise and bow to the woke mob
Ivan Tomas
Another kind of deepfake!