
Deputy President: John Paul II Institute “Seriously Threatened”

Recent changes to the governing structure and the academic program of the Roman John Paul II Institute are a “serious threat” to its identity, Father José Granados, the Institute's deputy president (!) told CatholicNewsAgency.com (July 31).

Granados revealed that he and other faculty members were surprised by the new statutes and that they did not see them before they were approved by the Congregation for Catholic Education.

The dismissal of the Institute’s long-time president, Monsignore Livio Melina, by eliminating his chair of fundamental moral theology, is according to Granados “especially worrisome.”

He calls the chair, that has been active for 38 years, “decisive” because “if the fundamentals of morality are unknown, marriage morality remains in the air.”

[But this seems to correspond to the plan outlined in Amoris Laetitia to undermine Catholic morality.].

Picture: José Granados, © johnpaulii.edu, #newsSembsatknl
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What we have to fight for is not freedom to be abnormal, but freedom to be normal.