SAINT ...A N G E L A from FOLIGNO....penitent and mystic who was in the power of the devil and was possessed by him - holiday January 4

Saint Angela of Foligno ...1248 -4.January 1309 Foligno Italy

Saint Angela's Day-4.January

The dramatic life story of Angela from Foligno from the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries...the fate of a deeply fallen, corrupt, immoral woman who committed grave sins, rejected God and surrendered herself to the power of the devil and hell...Her sins and crimes reached the heavens and they called for God's punishment...she didn't take care of her little children, she let them die without help, she lived an adulterous life obsessed with sex, she seduced men who would kill themselves for her...Unfortunate women, their wives cursed and cursed her...she went to confession, but she concealed grave sins and sacrilegiously went to St. communion...

The devil appeared to her at night and tortured her and entered her...Angela wanted to see her end and the devil showed her hell and a burning bed with snakes wrapped around her...that was what awaited her...She was horrified... the devil forced her to kill herself out of desperation... But she threw herself under the cross with her last strength and begged God for mercy. St. Francis of Assisi appeared to her and sent her to a pious priest who prepared her for general confession.. .when she confessed... the church shook and there was a rumble of hell...

But the merciful God performed a tremendous miracle, that he raised her from the bride of the devil to the heavenly heights and gave her the grace of sincere repentance... Lying or kneeling before the cross the impious, penitent Angela mourned her sins...accepted the most severe penance, scourged her body, prayed day and night...Finally she found her lost soul, which turned white with severe penance...she thanked God for delivering her from the power of the devil for the rest of her life ... and sanctified with his graces... A great sinner became a saint, who was given the grace to write spiritual articles, books about her life and life with God... Her mysticism shines even after 700 years in the spiritual wealth of the church... Her a stunning life shows what God can do... if a person asks for his help...

Saint ANGELA from FOLIGNO....penitent and mystic who was in the power of the devil and was possessed by him - holiday January 4

St. Angela of Foligno-1248- January 4, 1309, January 4,
a godless sinner and a great penitent and mystic of the Middle Ages.

An amazing, life story of a godless, great sinner who surrendered herself to the power of the devil himself and evil...committed terrible, heaven-calling sins , sacrilege and crimes, because of her indifference and obsession with sex, she let her little children die and did not care for them, she rejected motherly feeling... she was controlled by the devil himself and was possessed by him... she fell into the deepest abyss of evil that a godless woman can fall, waded in the stinking mire of impurity and human filth...Her blasphemies had no end,,,she went to St. confessed and, out of shame, she hid her grave sins and went sacrilegiously to St. communion...for more than 20 years she was the bride of darkness and the devil...

Only an extraordinary miracle and divine intervention, through the apparition of St. Francis of Assisi, she was torn from the power of death, hell and the devil in a great, fierce struggle... She received the great grace of deep repentance and return to God... For years afterwards, she mourned kneeling before the crucified Christ, her great and grievous sins and crimes...By God's extraordinary grace she received forgiveness of sins and at the end of her life she reached the heights of heaven through astonishing repentance and received extraordinary revelations and wrote about her life...she became an important mystic of the beginning of the 14th century in the church.. .

A godless sinner and a great penitent and mystic of the Middle Ages,

St. Angela is one of the most controversial saints of the whole church... Her life is divided into two parts... The first - 40 years lived in grave sins and blasphemies, crimes, in impiety of the highest caliber...
She is unbelievable how God's grace can change a person from a hideous, smelly sinner, drowning in the mud of the most disgusting sins, immorality, fornication and adultery... through deep repentance to the heights of divine, spiritual mysticism. She was declared a saint only after 700 years. ..

She came from a very rich family, where the mother was lukewarm and indifferent in faith and led her daughter to destruction... pampered her and praised sinfulness... as a virtue... This is the business card of a corrupt, blinded mother, that she led her daughter into her arms satan...
Angela grew up to be a beautiful girl... but deeply corrupt inside... She fell into the snares of sin and lived immorally with an ungodly young man, they enjoyed sin to the limit... She married a corrupt person...

Her husband cheated on her, and so she returned it to him with many adulteries... They were both firmly in the power of Satan...

Several children were born to them, which the sinful, indifferent and corrupt mother Angela did not take care of. She did not mind that the children were suffering and cared for them, she devoted herself to entertainment, so even the children died at a young age for that reason... She had no maternal feeling ...she lived only for the pleasures of the flesh and sins...She had many lovers. Her husband died prematurely at a young age...that he was obsessed with sex and alcohol...

Angela, as a young, widow, very rich, went on a terrible path of sins, she changed lovers like socks... She herself seduced men and caused many evils and broken marriages, many lovers killed themselves because of her... She rejected God and gave herself fully serve the devil...

She wanted to know what awaited her and so the devil showed her her future...she saw a burning bed in hell with embracing, coiled, hideous snakes...she saw terrible things and heard the horrible shrieks and cries of hell...

She was so horrified that she wanted to improve herself and start living a Christian life... The devil tortured her and haunted her at night, hideous monsters appeared by her bed, the devil came to her and tortured her, that she screamed in an inhuman voice, as if she was fully possessed by the devil.. Finally
, she decided to go to St. confess and confess all the terrible sins, crimes and the sea of filth of her life... She was at St. Confession, but she kept silent about half of the grave sins out of shame and went sacrilegiously to St. communion. The devil was mad with joy... sacrilege... she didn't yet have that in her collection of terrible sins...
God-fearing and sinful Angela already despaired and the devil was forcing her to kill herself... She resisted in vain, the devil was coming to her like to her house... because Angela was the devil's house...
But God, in his infinite love and goodness, graciously looked down on this devil-possessed, spiritually rotting, stinking sinner. He sent St. Francis of Assisi, who appeared to her and he declared that he would help her and save her from hell... He sent her to the pious Franciscan priest Arnold from Foligno, who guided her spiritually and saved her...

Conversion of a great sinner

Angela embarked on a long and painful journey of repentance. Her grave sins reached to the heavens and cried out for God's punishment for the depraved, corrupt, immoral sinner...she saw and heard the lamentation of her children whom she had left to die, she also saw the unfortunate souls of her lovers, who killed themselves because of her...a lot of tears and curses, which were dropped on her head by the unfortunate wives of lovers...All souls threatened her with divine punishment and cried out to God...But Angela fell under the cross and fervently begged God for mercy and protection in front of the devil, who was coming back for his victim. She had to overcome many temptations with which the devil wanted to win her back... Angela in tears, lying on the ground, begged again and again for God's mercy... When her husband dies, her children and mother remain herself and in 1291, as a 43-year-old, she decided to enter the 3rd Order of St. Francis as a tertiary. She sold her property and gave the money to the poor and began to live modestly and penitently. Already in 1285, she made a general confession of her whole life and thus walled off the door to his soul for Satan, he could no longer enter there, because God was already there...

Since then, Angela belongs only to God...she wrote many deep, spiritual writings about the soul and struggles, temptations...Later, she wrote according to the revelations that God made known to her. They were already deep, mystical experiences, which she described in the writings and are still after 700 years, spiritual treasures of medieval mysticism...And they are valued in the church as a way to God.

Today, people are overwhelmed by worries about material things and the body...Spirituality, as food for the soul, is thrown into the unnecessary and that is why there is so much evil, blindness and chaos, because the soul does not have its spiritual food and does not have an inner light.. .that's how she lives starving in the dark, and that's how modern man is after that, rushing to eternal destruction... just like the wicked Angela went 700 years ago, but at the last moment she was able to say STOP and throw herself into the arms of God and do great penance. Angela is a stunning display of God's power and grace...

How much spiritually worthless ballast is there during the day in a person... and no prayer and food for the soul... so a person is tossed here and there, running away from himself and God to end up in destruction... A strange life and an incredible spiritual transformation Angely from Foligno is the direction we should go...


About the stormy life of Angela from Foligno

At least it is known about the mother that she was indifferent in her faith and spoiled her daughter a lot. Angela used this mother's weakness perfectly, she was conceited, angry and domineering. And when she prematurely met a young man with similar free opinions, she started dangerous relations with him without her parents' knowledge. Finally, she decided to marry him against the wishes of her parents and the entire family.

The husband continued to live a free life, taking advantage of his wife's wealth, who also repaid his infidelity with infidelity. She had more children, but - as we can imagine - she cared little or not at all, and the Lord God soon called them to himself. Even the husband himself followed them in a short time due to his loose and immoderate life.

When Angela became a widow, she was in her prime, rich, still beautiful, and had all the qualities to tempt men. How many hearts she has driven to despair or corrupted by her artful seductions! Her biographers state that there were many.

She was only happy with fashion and entertainment, she was forgetting God more and more. From time to time, her conscience also spoke up with the voice of reproaches, but the frivolity and pleasures in which she lived drowned them out. If God had not had mercy on her, she would surely have perished.

Once she was so afraid of hell that she began to weep, and out of shame and regret for her life, she decided to make an honest confession of all the sins of her entire life. She went to church on St. confession. But out of false shyness and false fear, she hid the worst sins: she confessed sacrilegiously. And she also accepted sacrilegiously... That was the height of diabolical corruption and decay...

The devil had her almost completely under his control: she had terrible remorse, often cried, screamed as if possessed by the devil, did not find peace day or night, did not find satisfaction or comfort in anything, freely gave the body what it did not ask for...

She was desperate. One night she was attacked by so many remorses that she could not get rid of them. At that time, she begged God to send her a wise confessor to whom she could confide in everything. St. appeared to her . Francis of Assisi and announced that God heard her request. The next day, she really found the confessor in the church: it was Friar Arnold of Foligno, a Franciscan, her relative, who from that time guided her in her spiritual life and became her secretary in describing letters and revelations.

Angela of Foligno is a saint of the Catholic Church. She was known as a mystic, religious and patroness of the Franciscan tertiaries. Her holiday is celebrated on January 4.

Date and place of birth: 1248, Foligno, Italy

Date of death: January 4, 1309, Foligno, Italy

KAngela of Foligno (around ? 1248 , Foligno , Italy - January 4, 1309 , Foligno, Italy ) is a saint of the Catholic Church . She was known as a mystic , religious and patroness of the Franciscan tertiaries . Her holiday is celebrated on January 4 .

Sv. Angela from Foligno - (04.01.)

In today's address I will be based on the catechesis of St. father Benedict XVI on the then still blessed, on the day of St. Angela of Foligno, who is a great mystic of the Middle Ages. She lived in the 13th century. People are usually captivated by the description of her experiences of union with God, but few pay attention to her first steps, that is, her conversion and the long journey from the starting point, which was "great fear of hell". Her childhood and youth were far from the Christian ideal. She was born around 1248 in a rich family; her father died and her mother raised her in a rather superficial way. She met a man fairly early on, whom she married at the age of twenty and gave birth to several children. According to her own statement, she led a frivolous life.

Some events, such as the earthquake in 1279, the hurricane and the long-lasting war with Perugia caused a lot of suffering as a result and affected the life of Angela, who gradually began to reflect on her sins, until once she took a decisive step: she prayed to St. Francis to be her counselor for a good general confession , which she wanted to perform. In 1285 Angela goes to confession. Three years later, her journey of conversion takes another twist: all her emotional bonds are untied. Within a few months, her mother dies, followed by her husband and all her children. Angela decides to sell all her property and in 1291 he enters the third order of St. Francis. She died in Foligno, January 4, 1309.
Book of St. Angely of Foligno describes this conversion and also lists its means: penance, humility, tribulations. Then he continues to describe the experiences that Angela had from 1285. Remembering them, she tried to recount them through her confessor: he wrote them down faithfully and tried to organize them into different stages, which he called "steps or transformations" - but he could not classify them all. Angela's difficulty in expressing her mystical experiences is compounded by the difficulty in understanding these things - on the part of those listening to her. Angela claims that the only true teacher, Jesus, dwells in the heart of every believer and tries to win him completely.
So let's look at at least a few "steps" from the spiritual journey of our saint. The first of them was actually the premise of all the others: "It was the knowledge of sin - as she says - after which the soul received a great fear of damnation; she wept bitterly at this step'. Regret, fear of hell and repentance will open the perspective of a painful "way of the cross" for Angela, which will gradually lead her to the "way of love". Her confessor describes it as follows: "She said to me, ... let me write that whoever wants to remain in grace must not turn his soul's gaze away from the Cross - both in the joy I give him and in the sorrow I inflict on him". But at this stage, Angela doesn't "feel love" yet; he says: "The soul experiences shame and bitterness, and does not experience love, only pain" - and it is dissatisfied.

Angela suddenly understands the most important fact: that what will save her from her "unworthiness" and from the "punishment of hell" will not be her "union with God" and containing the "truth", but the Crucified Jesus - "his crucifixion for me", his love . On the cross, the God-man is in the highest act of suffering, which is also the highest act of his love. One must identify and be transformed in the love and suffering of the crucified Christ: identify with him. Angela's conversion, which began with a holy confession in 1285, matures only when God's forgiveness appears to her soul as an undeserved gift of the Father's love, the source of love: "No one can argue - she says - because everyone can love God, and he from the soul she asks nothing but that she like him because he loves her and is her love".
The "suffering God-man" becomes her "teacher of perfection". Her whole mystical experience is therefore a movement towards a perfect "likeness" to him, through purification and ever deeper and more radical transformations. Into this wonderful work Angela throws herself whole, soul and body, she does not avoid penances and sorrows - from the beginning to the end - desiring to die in the midst of all the pains suffered by the crucified God-Man, so that she can be completely transformed into him: "O children of God - she recommended - transform yourself completely into the suffering God-Man who loved you so much that he died for you the most ignominious and unspeakably painful death, in the most difficult and bitter way. And all this just for the love of you, man!". This union also means living what Jesus lived: poverty, contempt and pain, because - as he says - "through temporary poverty, the soul finds eternal riches; through contempt and shame he will gain honor and the greatest glory; through a few penances, performed with sorrow and pain, he will attain with infinite sweetness and consolation the highest Good, the eternal God”.

Another of her secrets is constant prayer: "The more you pray - she says - the more you will be enlightened; the more enlightened you will be, the more deeply and intensely you will see the highest Good, the perfectly good Being; the more deeply and intensely you see him, the more you will love him; the more you love him, the more you will enjoy it; and the more it pleases you, the more you will perceive it and become able to understand it. Then you will come to the fullness of light when you understand that you cannot understand it".
Life of St. Angely begins with a mundane existence, far removed from God. But then the encounter with the figure of Saint Francis and finally the encounter with the crucified Christ awakens her soul to the perception of God's presence, to the fact that only with God life becomes a real life, because it becomes love and joy - even in the pain caused by sin. And this is how Saint Angela speaks to us. Today we are all in danger of living as if God does not exist: he seems so far removed from everyday life. But God has a thousand ways, each his own, to make himself present in the human soul and to show that he exists - that he knows me and that he loves me. And St. Angela wants to make us attentive to these signs with which the Lord touches our soul - attentive to the presence of God - so that we can recognize the way with God and to God, in communion with the crucified Christ. Let us pray to the Lord to make us attentive to the signs of his presence, to teach us to live truly.

Angela of Foligno, Mystic


Feast Day:
January 4

* 1248 (?) Foligno, Italy
† January 4, 1309 ibid.

Name Meaning: angel (Latin)

Attributes: shown with bound Satan, a cross and the book

"So shall it be in heaven" greater joy over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who need no repentance"
(Luke 15:7).

We can rightly apply these words of the Divine Savior to Angela from Foligno.

Sv. Angela from Foligno

She was born in 1248 in Foligno, near Assisi, Italy of very wealthy but not good Catholic parents. At least the mother is known to have been indifferent in her faith and spoiled her daughter a lot. Angela used this mother's weakness perfectly, she was conceited, angry and domineering. And when she prematurely met a young man with similar free opinions, she started dangerous relations with him without her parents' knowledge. Finally, she decided to marry him against the wishes of her parents and the entire family.

The husband continued to live a free life, taking advantage of his wife's wealth, who also repaid his infidelity with infidelity. She had more children, but - as we can imagine - she cared little or not at all, and the Lord God soon called them to himself. Even the husband himself followed them in a short time due to his loose and immoderate life.

When Angela became a widow, she was in her prime, rich, still beautiful, and had all the qualities to tempt men. How many hearts she has driven to despair or corrupted by her artful seductions! Her biographers state that there were many.

She was only happy with fashion and entertainment, she was forgetting God more and more. From time to time, her conscience also spoke up with the voice of reproaches, but the frivolity and pleasures in which she lived drowned them out. If God had not had mercy on her, she would surely have perished. Once she was so afraid of hell that she began to weep, and out of shame and regret for her life, she decided to make an honest confession of all the sins of her entire life. She went to church on St. confession. But out of false shyness and false fear, she hid the worst sins: she confessed sacrilegiously. And she also accepted sacrilegiously... That was the height of diabolical corruption and decay...

The devil had her almost completely in control: she had terrible remorse, often cried, screamed as if possessed by the devil, did not find peace day or night, did not find satisfaction or comfort in anything, freely gave her body what it did not ask for...

She was in despair. One night she was attacked by so many remorses that she could not get rid of them. At that time, she begged God to send her a wise confessor to whom she could confide in everything. St. appeared to her . Francis of Assisi and announced that God heard her request. The next day, she really found the confessor in the church: it was Friar Arnold of Foligno, a Franciscan, her relative, who from that time guided her in her spiritual life and became her secretary in describing letters and revelations.

She was quite young, so sensual temptations were still quite strong. In order to win over them more easily, despite the opposition of her relatives, she gave away all her considerable property to the needy and decided to live in a poor house as a member of the third order of St. Francis. But even there she still had many temptations. However, she fought bravely against sin until finally, with God's help, she won and established herself in holy love for God. When the Lord Jesus once asked her what she wanted as a reward for all her renunciation, she answered: "Neither gold nor silver, even if you offered me the whole world, I would renounce it, because I want nothing but you!" And Jesus appeared to her more than once... It is not written about any other saint, even if he was a mystic, that he enjoyed such a deep vision of God on earth as this saint.

She valued her knowledge from the supernatural visions bestowed upon her by the almighty God. But she said that spiritual life does not consist in visions and revelations, but in active love for God and neighbor. Therefore, although she was sick, she often went to hospitals to treat the sick. Even with her numerous letters, she wisely guided and encouraged people to love and peaceful coexistence.

She wrote several works, among others De eruditione evangelica (On Gospel Education), De conversione (On Conversion) and many letters. However, she did not write them with her own hand: what she said in the local dialect was faithfully recorded in Latin by her confessor, Brother Arnold. Her writings, collected after her death, were approved around 1309-10 Cardinal Giacomo Colonna. Of these, seven manuscripts have been preserved. Because of the influence of the theologians of those times, because of the seriousness and effect of her writings in the later period, the Church gave her the name Magistra Theologorum - Teacher of Theologians, a name that escaped her even during her lifetime.

She fell asleep in the Lord on January 4, 1309. She was buried in the Franciscan church in Foligno. She was declared blessed in 1693 and for the holy form of equipolant canonization on October 11, 2013 by Pope Francis.


Until the age of 40, she led a normal family life. She was married and had several children. She often prayed to Francis of Assisi . She decided to give up her way of life and devote herself to God. In the summer of 1291, she became a Franciscan Tertiary and founded the community of the Third Order in Foligno . She confided her mystical experiences to her confessor, the Franciscan Arnald, who wrote down her words, and thus a work called Liber (Book) was created. The most important part of the book, Memoriale , describes the steps of her conversion and spiritual journey. She was beatified in 1693 by Pope Innocent XII. Pope Francis extended her cult to the entire church on October 9, 2013.
Angela from Foligno is depicted as a Franciscan tertiary and holding the devil on a chain. nihy: Memorial , Book of blessed Angela da Foligno

Saint Angela of Foligno was a medieval mystic and hermit .
She was born around 1248 in a rich family. In her youth, she lived a lavish and sinful way of life - she cheated on her free-thinking husband and did not take care of her children. After the death of her husband and children, she continued to indulge in sin .

Everything changed only when Saint Francis of Assisi appeared to her in a dream . She made a general confession , gave away all her possessions, entered the Third Order of St. Francis and began to live a penitent way of life.
God gifted her with countless revelations and visions .

During her lifetime, she was nicknamed the teacher of theologians .
She died on January 4, 1309 in Foligno. She was declared blessed in 1693 and a saint on October 11, 2013 by Pope Francis in the form of equivalent canonization.

Angela was born in 1248 in Umbria. She renounced worldly splendor, in which she had found pleasure for some time. She joined the Third Order of St. Penitents. Francis. She got many other women to follow her example. She burned with love for God and her neighbors, especially the afflicted. She also excelled in humility, patience and poverty. God richly rewarded her with heavenly gifts, and she worshiped the mysteries of Christ's life with immense love and left behind beautiful evidence of spiritual teaching, for which she was rightly called "Teacher of Theologians." She died in 1309 in the city of Foligno.

From the Spiritual Writings of Blessed Angela:

“My God, make me worthy to know the sublime mystery that is the work of your ineffable warm love, directed by the love of the Holy Trinity itself. It is the mystery of your most holy incarnation, in which our salvation has its beginning. Your incarnation endows us with a twofold effect: first, it fills us with love, and second, it assures us of our salvation. Oh, incomprehensible love! There is no greater love than when my God becomes man to make me God. O all-sacrificing love, you exhausted yourself completely to create me when you assumed human nature. But you did not exhaust yourself enough to lose something of yourself and of God's nature. The dizzying depth of the mystery of your incarnation tempts me to use these powerful expressions. O you uncreated, you have become a created man! Oh, you intangible, you allowed us to touch you! O God, make me worthy to look into the immeasurable depth of your love, which you revealed to us in your most holy incarnation. Uncreated God, make me worthy to understand the ineffable love that you revealed to us when you showed us your Son Jesus Christ at his incarnation and when the Son himself revealed you to us as his Father. God, make me worthy to know and understand your love for us, in which you created me. Make me able, O Incomprehensible One, to know and judge your inestimable and ardent love even with that all-giving love with which you have from eternity chosen the human race to look upon your face, and you have deemed us worthy that you, The Most High wanted to look at our face. O supreme Being, make me worthy to know this gift which is above all other gifts. After all, all the angels and saints have nothing else but to see you, the Beloved, love you and look at you. O gift that is above all other gifts, for you are love itself! O greatest Good, you have made us worthy to know you as love and you give us to love such love! And all who come before your face will be rewarded according to the love they had. And there is nothing else that can lead meditators to contemplation but true love.'

Angela of Foligno, mystic

Until the age of 40, this intelligent and headstrong woman led a "wild, adulterous and blasphemous life".

The noble and wealthy Angela was born in 1248 and married at the age of 20. Until the age of 40, this intelligent and headstrong woman led a "wild, adulterous and blasphemous life", as she wrote.

When the extent of her sinful life became more and more clear to her and she no longer dared to confess everything, she turned in prayer to St. Francis of Assisi and, accompanied by the Franciscan Father Arnald, experienced conversion. When her husband, children and mother died within a few months, she sold her possessions and lived in poverty and penance.

She became a Franciscan nun and gathered like-minded people in her "dining room" for prayers and discussions about the faith, as well as planning charitable activities, as Angela selflessly cared for the poor and lepers.

From this period, Angela, humbly enduring sickness and pain, had many mystical experiences, which Father Arnaldo wrote down. One of the greatest mystics of her time died on January 4, 1309 in Foligno.

Angela is buried there in the Church of St. Francis of Assisi and was beatified in 1693. In 2013, Pope Francis extended her veneration to the whole world.

Books of St.Angela


Book of Blessed Angela of Foligno

Complete Works

Book Book

of Life

Book of Blesseds

Book of Experiences

Book of Visions and Instructions

Book of Divine Consolation of Blessed Angela of Foligno

Book of Experiences Book

of Divine Consolation

Book of Divine Consolation of Blessed Angela of Foligno (unabridged)

Experience of Divine Love

Angela of Foligna: The Passionate Mystic of the Double Abyss

Memorial and Last Words

The Spiritual Life of the Virtuous and Pious Italian Noblewoman Angelique De Foligna. A profitable work, where his spiritual doctrine, penance, ecstasies, apparitions, temptations, visions, and divine consolations are manifested: his charity and obedience to his superiors, and perseverance in thinking and relieving the poor and sick.

The Book of Life: The experience of God-Love is the essence and summit of all Angela's mysteries: It is her immersion in the divinity

Letters and thoughts

The book of visions and instructions

B. Angela de Fulginius, which shows us the true path by which we can walk in the footsteps of our Redeemer: This book written by the most holy woman herself (at the command of the Holy Ghost) and for the true comfort of pious souls, for the benefit of all

Liber Lelle. Monument. Instructions

The Book of Visions and Instructions of the Blessed Angela of Foligno ...

Vie de Sainte Ang`ele de Foligno

A book called Angela de Fulginius, in which she shows us the true way to walk in the footsteps of our Redeemer

Saint Angela of Foligno: useful a work for people who want to know and practice true Christian piety, as well as for priests responsible for guiding them along the paths of perfection

The Theology of the Cross of Jesus Christ or the work and life of blessed Angela de Foligni, translated from the original Latin

The Book of Visions and Instructions of Angela de Foligno

B .Angela de Fulginius, who shows us the true path by which we can walk in the footsteps of our Redeemer. A book written here by the most holy foam (dictating the Holy Spirit), ... now published for the first time in Germany

Cross and love

The experience of God's love

A book of experiences of the true faithful

The divine consolation of blessed Angela Da Foligno

A useful book ... if it contains conversion, repentance and divine consolation

Visions and consolations

Beata Angelo of Fulginio, who shows us the true path by which we can walk in the footsteps of our Savior Jesus Christ. For the true consolation of pious souls and common use, first made in Latin in a truck: but now rendered and translated out of Latin into German. Through the venerable, spiritual and well-learned Mr. M. Joannem Paulum Curtzium, pastor of our dear Frawen zu Kirchhoffen

Blessed Angela von Fulginio

The book of visions and instructions of the blessed Angelus of Foligno: with a warning by Georges Goyau

Angela de Fulginius, in which the right way is shown to us, by which we may walk in the footsteps of our Redeemer

Vita et opuscola: Anastatic reprint of the 1714 edition published by Giovan Battista Boccolini

Visions and Consolations: Recorded in their own words by Brother Arnaldus

Book of Angèle de Foligno according to the original texts Way of

the Cross with Blessed Angela

Delight in God in To God

Saint Angela of Foligno: Latin Manuscript in Color Transcribed from Bologna

Visions and Consolations of

Jesus Christ, Book of Life: Popularized in Latin Text

The Spiritual Life of the Virtuous and Pious Angelique de Foligni, a Sweet Italian Woman. A profitable work, where one can see his teaching on repentance, temptations, visions and divine consolations. The scene of the French PRPF Observantin Jean Blancone Tolozain

About the book of St. Angela 700 years ago

Book About God's Consolation by Angela from Foligno

Living as if there was no God is a danger that threatens each of us today. But God knows and loves all people, and He penetrates the soul of each one differently to convince it that He exists. God's voice, which calls us to a holy and exemplary life, will never tire and will be heard until the end of time.

Angela of Foligno (1248–1309), a hermit and mystic, caught his gentle call after years of life spent in moral disorder. Only the knowledge of her own sinfulness, the sight of Saint Francis and the encounter with the Crucified One awakened her soul to the perception of God's presence, in which she knew real life. Because only with God does life become love and joy - even in pain caused by sin.

Her spiritual autobiography, The Book of Divine Consolation by Angela of Foligno, consists of three tracts:

the first describes her gradual conversion and repentance, as well as the difficulties that accompanied them;
the second brings her teaching, which is identical in everything to the teaching of Jesus Christ;
the third her visions in which she received abundant consolation from God in various areas of spiritual life.

The soul cannot acquire the true knowledge of God by its own efforts or through a created thing, but only through divine light and the gift of God's grace. – St. Angela of Foligno