Zen: The line followed by the Vatican in recent years when dealing with the threatening China giant has been appeasement at any cost....Parolin seems to have other priorities than what is right for the faith. His goal appears to be to reestablish diplomatic relations with China, to make his name in history.....As secretary of state, appointed by Pope Francis, Parolin got rid of me by quietly dismissing …More
Zen: The line followed by the Vatican in recent years when dealing with the threatening China giant has been appeasement at any cost....Parolin seems to have other priorities than what is right for the faith. His goal appears to be to reestablish diplomatic relations with China, to make his name in history.....As secretary of state, appointed by Pope Francis, Parolin got rid of me by quietly dismissing the Commission for the Church in China, a commission set up by Pope Benedict with 30 members from the Vatican Curia and from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Then he sent Archbishop Savio Hon — the secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the only Chinese high official in the curia — to Greece.

Opinion | What’s behind the Vatican’s silence on Hong Kong?

Cardinal Joseph Zen is the bishop emeritus of Hong Kong. Hong Kongers don’t recognize our city anymore. It’s heartbreaking. Almost every night …
Electing a Pope does not work this way.. A current Pope cannot rig the election process to his liking...As long as Benedict is alive, I truly believe, Francis and the changes he made are illegitimate and false. Before Benedict dies, most likely it will be revealed that Francis is the false Pope...
A Marxist Pope ignoring a Marxist government's oppression? Totally impossible to understand without Ph.D in political science. :P
Paul was an arch appeaser of Communism subjugating the Czech Church to the Communist authorities and also betraying Hungarian Catholics and their heroic Primate. Francis is a Communist and hater of Christ glaring angrily at Him on the altar while kissing the feet of Moslems.
Dr Bobus
The simple truth is that the Vatican Diplomatic Corps has had too much influence since the papacy of Paul VI. This is why almost nothing was done to address the problems of the church in Germany.
The Church is now more interested in expansion via the Diplomatic Corps than propagating the faith. The main theme of the Church right now is detente with secular cultures / governments.
In this detente …More
The simple truth is that the Vatican Diplomatic Corps has had too much influence since the papacy of Paul VI. This is why almost nothing was done to address the problems of the church in Germany.

The Church is now more interested in expansion via the Diplomatic Corps than propagating the faith. The main theme of the Church right now is detente with secular cultures / governments.

In this detente strategy believing Catholics are being sacrificed.

We are still living in the Church of Paul VI