
Zinc Helps Immune System Regrow Immune Cells

Zinc is required for the development of disease-fighting T cells, and for the regeneration of the thymus, which produces T cells (DailyExpose.uk, April 17).

However, excessive zinc supplementation can cause an imbalance in the zinc-to-copper ratio, which can impair immune function. Copper (1mg for every 15mg of zinc), in turn, is interdependent on iron.

The intake of more than 15 mg of zinc per day by supplement may not be safe.

The body cannot store zinc well, so foods containing zinc must be consumed daily. To improve zinc uptake into the cell, a zinc ionophore (hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, quercetin, and epigallocatechin gallate) can be useful which act as shuttle that transport the zinc through the cellular membrane into the cell.

Foods rich in zinc include Alaskan King crab, Oysters, Almonds, Cashews, kidney beans, Pastured chicken, lamb, chickpeas, oatmeal, grass-fed beef, cheddar, Swiss cheese, yoghurt, mushrooms, spinach, pork chops, pumpkin seeds.

Picture: © Marco Verch Professional Photographer, CC BY
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