Krystian N.
Fr Paul Kramer interview - September 2023: Reforming the Catholic Church out of existance, dark synod in October, women priests, inevitable schism, perpetrated bolshevik revolution by the USA, tremendous …More
Fr Paul Kramer interview - September 2023: Reforming the Catholic Church out of existance, dark synod in October, women priests, inevitable schism, perpetrated bolshevik revolution by the USA, tremendous 3rd world war, evil in the church, war is in the Third Secret, the war will start in the Middle East, muslim invasion.
Fr Kramer with respect, QUOTE: "Yes in the Secret of Fatima there is a Third World War that is foretold" End of QUOTE.
Please provide Primary Source for that prediction.
Thank you.
Krystian N.
Primary source of that prediction is probably Fr Malachi Martin who told it to Fr Kramer.
There is no other logical explanation, cause noone has yet the access to the text of 3rd Secret.
Thanks Krystian.
At this stage of developments I think it's better to avoid speculations. To the best of my knowledge Fr Malachi Martin made no such reference to Fatima and any Third World War; Mutually Assured Destruction - (MAD), as a solution to a future crisis in the Church. Until substantive evidence is forthcoming and to avoid unnecessary confusion/panic, I recommend the post be removed.
Pax …More
Thanks Krystian.
At this stage of developments I think it's better to avoid speculations. To the best of my knowledge Fr Malachi Martin made no such reference to Fatima and any Third World War; Mutually Assured Destruction - (MAD), as a solution to a future crisis in the Church. Until substantive evidence is forthcoming and to avoid unnecessary confusion/panic, I recommend the post be removed.
Pax Vobiscum.
Krystian N.
Speculation is the last thing I'm keen to promote but ....
- the 3WW hangs in the balance
- Akita revelations speak about the fire from the sky (nuclear war)
- the US will never plead guilty
- the US is losing the war
- the only way to rescue dollar is to wage another war
and so on and so forth
Krystian N. too much feeding souls with nuclear americanism.. Brain wash!
@Krystian N. I suspect his comments were a reflection of his 'personal opinion' and therefore unrelated to the Secret; in which case a disclaimer should have been added to your post as a footnote.
@Rafał_Ovile Good point. For your information and that of other readers, I recently read a not unrelated opinion by 'Crisis Magazine': Francis, Fatima, and Garabandal and linked to: The Warning - Garabandal
Bergoglio: I reject any "new church" you and your followers attempt to implement at this Synod, and so will a good number of faithful Catholics.
tbswv antichurch start 13.03.2013