Earning Suffrages for the Faithful Departed. How can we help those pour souls in purgatory? What can we do about it? Father explains what are suffrages & indulgences. For more please visit More
Earning Suffrages for the Faithful Departed.

How can we help those pour souls in purgatory? What can we do about it? Father explains what are suffrages & indulgences. For more please visit www.audiosancto.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest and the holy souls in purgatory. You may need it later


The month of November is a privileged time to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Holy Mother Church encourages us to gain plenary indulgences for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. From Nov.1st through Nov.8th, if we visit a cemetery in a spirit of piety and devotion, and pray, even just mentally, for the dead, we may gain a plenary indulgence for one holy soul on each day of the Octave (on the usual conditions). This special indulgence is only applicable to the dead. We can pray any of the Raccolta prayers #582-600 to accomplish this end, and Fr. Michael Rodríguez always encouraged everyone to meditate upon the Dies irae sequence at this time of the year (Raccolta #587). If you have a Traditional Missal, you can also pray a number of the prayers from the Nov. 2nd Mass or Requiem Mass. In the Catholic Bible, it is ideal to pray Psalm 129 De Profundis.

Also, on November 2 we can gain a plenary indulgence for the Holy Souls by visiting a Church and piously praying for the dead,(One Our Father and Creed suffice), and fulfilling all the usual conditions for a plenary indulgence.

The usual conditions for a plenary indulgence are:
(1) Pray for the Pope (usually one Our Father one Hail Mary)
(2) Worthily receive Holy Communion the day of the indulgence
(3) Make a sacramental Confession within a week (before or after)
(4) Be free from all attachment to sin, even venial sin. A sincere and devout act of the will to this end suffices.
* If we fail in the usual conditions, there is still merit in our good pious act, but usually only amounts to a partial indulgence.
It should be noted that according to Traditional Church Discipline and Practice, fasting and partial abstinence are OBLIGATORY on the Vigil of Pentecost and ALL SAINTS DAY. To read more about what the Catholic Church traditionally teaches on Fasting and Abstinence, visit this website: www.fisheaters.com/fasting.html
From Fr. Schouppe's book entitled Purgatory:
"There is in Purgatory, as in Hell, a double pain - the pain of loss and the pain of sense. The pain of loss consists in being deprived from a time of the sight of God... It is a moral thirst which torments our soul. The pain of sense, of sensible suffering, is the same as that which we experience in our flesh." (p.32)
"Speaking in general, the Doctors [of the Church] agree in saying that the pains are most excruciating. The same fire, says St. Gregory, torments the damned and purifies the elect. 'Almost all theologians', says St. Robert Bellarmine, 'teach that the reprobate and the souls in Purgatory suffer the action of the same fire.' It must be held as certain, writes the same Bellarmine, that there is no proportion between the sufferings of this life and those of Purgatory. St. Augustine declares precisely the same... They will be saved no doubt, after the trial of fire, but that trial will be terrible, that torment will be more intolerable than all the most excruciating sufferings in this world. Behold what St. Augustine says, and what St. Gregory, Venerable Bede, St. Anselm, and Bernard have said after him. St. Thomas Aquinas goes even further; he maintains that the least pain of Purgatory surpasses all the sufferings of this life, whatsoever they may be." (p.33-4)
Let us therefore offer fervent prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.

source: www.youtube.com/watch
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