Earning Suffrages for the Faithful Departed. How can we help those pour souls in purgatory? What can we do about it? Father explains what are suffrages & indulgences. For more please visit More
Earning Suffrages for the Faithful Departed.
How can we help those pour souls in purgatory? What can we do about it? Father explains what are suffrages & indulgences. For more please visit www.audiosancto.org & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest and the holy souls in purgatory. You may need it later
The month of November is a privileged time to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Holy Mother Church encourages us to gain plenary indulgences for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. From Nov.1st through Nov.8th, if we visit a cemetery in a spirit of piety and devotion, and pray, even just mentally, for the dead, we may gain a plenary indulgence for one holy soul on each day of the Octave (on the usual conditions). This special indulgence is only applicable to the dead. We can pray any of the Raccolta prayers #582-600 to accomplish this end, and Fr …More
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This is where i will keep useful videos that I can learn more about the faith from.More

This is where i will keep useful videos that I can learn more about the faith from.