
The Carmelites of Alençon on the Path to Success

When Vatican II asked the monasteries to revise their rules and constitution, the Carmelite Nuns of Alençon, France, found that the provisions written by Saint Teresa of Avila were just fine.

They continued their life as if Vatican II had never happened. This was their first lucky decision. Their second fortunate decision was, when in the wake of Summorum Pontificum (2007), they asked for the Traditional Latin Mass,

“We found that the sacrificial dimension of the Mass was little expressed in the Mass celebrated before the people, while the extraordinary form perfectly expresses Catholic doctrine,” a nun told HommeNouveau.fr (February 5).

The convent voted unanimously for this change. Bishop Jacques Habert who was at the time in Sées, was not opposed. He only asked the sisters to introduce the changes gradually.

Alençon Carmel is now one very few European Carmels which have completely adopted the Old Rite, “We realised that many young people were looking for this,” one sister says.

Picture: carmel-alencon.fr, #newsCukzlmuori

Dr Bobus
Three friends and I were in Alençon in Jan 1973 for the centenary of her birth. Mass was held in La Chapelle Maison Natale, which opens onto the bedroom where she was born. After the mass we carried the main reliquary to the auto, by which it was transported to the Carmel. We were chosen to carry it because she was very interested in the US
Hugh N. Cry
A nun’s nun.