
Sodoma Supplicans: It's a Blasphemy to "Bless" Sin - Cardinal Müller

Priests are allowed to refuse in conscience to perform homosexual blessings, Cardinal Müller told LaVerita.info on 27 December [but if they do, they will be liquidated by their respective bishops].

- Any sexual activity outside of a valid marriage between a man and a woman is objectively a grave sin that excludes one from the Kingdom of Heaven until there is repentance and forgiveness.

- To bless the sin instead of the sinner is blasphemy.

- Someone must have studied Aristotle's work On Sophistic Refutations very carefully to make a distinction in theory and practice between the blessing of "two persons" in an illicit union and the "illegitimate union" of those persons.

- For reasons of conscience, a priest can refuse to "bless" illegitimate unions, otherwise he runs the serious risk of becoming accustomed to sin (Gaudium et spes, 16).

- We cannot irrationally bless evil simply because it can be associated with positive effects. An example: The fact that the atomic bombing of Hiroshima ended the war does not make it good.

- Homosexual propaganda has nothing to do with the psychological well-being and eternal salvation of those who feel justified by it.

Picture: Gerhard Ludwig Müller© Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYfkdoypkbb

Jan Joseph
Zeer correct Kardinaal Müller, het zegenen van homoseksuele paren van hetzelfde geslacht is Godslastering, iedere priesters die zich hieraan schuldig maakt kan zijn priesterschap niet meer uitoefen en moet uitreden.
Everyday for Life Canada
If priests can refuse “blessing” sodomy then why introduce the heretical idea in the first place? And to do so just before Christmas.
Tony M
Because Jorge & Tucho are heretics who are working to change (destroy) the Church in such a way that it cannot be reversed.....the incremental encroachment trick!!! Jorge is very patient.
Bit of the smoke & mirrors happening here also.
How do you think God views them for putting out this abomination of a document???!!!
We must all ask the question....Whose side are we on.......
God's.....or the …More
Because Jorge & Tucho are heretics who are working to change (destroy) the Church in such a way that it cannot be reversed.....the incremental encroachment trick!!! Jorge is very patient.
Bit of the smoke & mirrors happening here also.

How do you think God views them for putting out this abomination of a document???!!!
We must all ask the question....Whose side are we on.......
God's.....or the heretical blasphemers'???!!!
Everyday for Life Canada
I agree. I think I have made my position clear.