The Islamic world will convert someday. A Muslim imprisoned by the Islamic State for drawing the Virgin Mary Khalifa el-Khoder spent seven months in a jihadi prison for drawing Our Lady on a wall in …More
The Islamic world will convert someday.

A Muslim imprisoned by the Islamic State for drawing the Virgin Mary

Khalifa el-Khoder spent seven months in a jihadi prison for drawing Our Lady on a wall in Aleppo as a sign of peace. In his story, he tells of mosques turned into prisons, of overcrowded cells, and of every day torture.
Most Christians are unaware of the Muslim reverence for the Virgin Mary. In 24 of the 34 references to Mary (Maryam) in the Qur’an, she is identified as the mother of Jesus. No other woman is even mentioned by name in the Qur’an. One chapter of the Qur’an (Sura 19) is entitled “Maryam” and narrates events of the Annunciation and Jesus’ birth. In addition, Muslims call Mary Sitti Maryam, with Sitti being a term of endearment because of her privilege to be the mother of Jesus.

All conscious Catholics know that all those who do not believe in Jesus Son of Virgin Mary do not have reverence for Virgin Mother. And all those who do not have reverence for Virgin Mary, Mother of God, are anti-Christ. Therefore Quran calls to murder Jesus' and Mary's true children - Catholics - Christians since islam was founded by the enemy of God and His Mother - deceiver and satan the ape.
Satan the ape is
No question about it: Some day of , Our Lady's choosing, she will convert the muslins to the Catholic faith.
"Convert someday"? In German we say, "a pious wish".
Miracles can change anyone. Hopefully our Lady will perform some in near future.
By the way most Muslims demonstrate more discipline than most American New mass Catholics. I wish all Catholics where as radical as Muslims are....More
Miracles can change anyone. Hopefully our Lady will perform some in near future.

By the way most Muslims demonstrate more discipline than most American New mass Catholics. I wish all Catholics where as radical as Muslims are....
No! There are Catholics just as radical as muslims, and this gets me scared!
Phenomenology, false mariology and abstarctive thinking is limited by tradition, Magisterium and Scripture which will be fulfilled by Triune God. There is biblical prophecy of Jewish conversion before 'Parusia' not islamic. Preoccupying with Quran and islam, as with all ideologies from the devil, has its consequences. Good luck Saracen's advocates Lalanz andSvataHora.
Rafat Ovile
The Jewish coversion you speak about only will happened at the Real end of time, when our Lord and savior will come and burn the earth completely away. Don’t forget, the Virgin Mary was given full authority over heaven, earth, and humanity... She can and will most like convert the entire Muslim nation. When the true era of peace will come.
God the father and Jesus cannot say “no” to …More
Rafat Ovile

The Jewish coversion you speak about only will happened at the Real end of time, when our Lord and savior will come and burn the earth completely away. Don’t forget, the Virgin Mary was given full authority over heaven, earth, and humanity... She can and will most like convert the entire Muslim nation. When the true era of peace will come.
God the father and Jesus cannot say “no” to the Virgin Mary, they love her so much, and melt at her requests...
Think about it, at the wedding of Cana, we see Jesus telling her, “women, it’s not my time yet” she clearly can make God do what ever she wants or change his plans...
Lalanz The true Catholic Marian devotion leads to the purification of the soul from sin and error. Emergency issue in your case! Virgin Mary is the most obedient and humble of all human: 38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled." She is Mediatrix and Advocate and not emotional influencer to 'rule' over God.
Church history shows Virgin Mary is a destroyer of …More
Lalanz The true Catholic Marian devotion leads to the purification of the soul from sin and error. Emergency issue in your case! Virgin Mary is the most obedient and humble of all human: 38 "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled." She is Mediatrix and Advocate and not emotional influencer to 'rule' over God.

Church history shows Virgin Mary is a destroyer of heresies and enemies of Christianity, most of all islam. Her presence as a sure sign of orthodoxy.

Your thesis lacks basic proof and arguments therefore qualify as erroneous opinions.