1116,4 Tsd.
Brand in Sedrun/Tujetsch. Das Feuer wurde von Dachdeckern verursacht, die an einem Hausteil arbeiteten, der als Ferienlager verwendet wurde. Das Feuer griff auf den anderen Hausteil - ein Privathaus …Mehr
Brand in Sedrun/Tujetsch.
Das Feuer wurde von Dachdeckern verursacht, die an einem Hausteil arbeiteten, der als Ferienlager verwendet wurde. Das Feuer griff auf den anderen Hausteil - ein Privathaus - und dessen Anbau über.
22. September 2011
Sedrun, Tujetsch.
🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Holy Cannoli
Thanks for the updates, Doina and thank God everyone is safe.
Now the residents/owners need to find a ruthless Jewish lawyer (who looks Swiss) and sue the roofers.
Thanks for the updates, Doina and thank God everyone is safe.

Now the residents/owners need to find a ruthless Jewish lawyer (who looks Swiss) and sue the roofers.

There are no injured. Thanks be to God!
These are two buildings, one next to the other.
There is no evidence that this building can be fixed and inhabited again. I am afraid that fixing would be more expensive than to build a new house.
The residents of the building have many relatives in the village. So, let us hope they are not on the street, though Don Reto offered them to come and stay …Mehr

There are no injured. Thanks be to God!

These are two buildings, one next to the other.

There is no evidence that this building can be fixed and inhabited again. I am afraid that fixing would be more expensive than to build a new house.

The residents of the building have many relatives in the village. So, let us hope they are not on the street, though Don Reto offered them to come and stay at the parish house 😉 👌
mein Gott das ist ja furchtbar!
Donn per quella biala casa - malgrad che nus havein buca nossa casa cheu sin tiara.
Roger Michael
Gottseidank gab es keine Personenschäden!
Mögen sie eine gute Brandversicherung haben und gute Freunde die ihnen jetzt helfen.
Mein Jesus, Barmherzigkeit!Mehr
Mögen sie eine gute Brandversicherung haben und gute Freunde die ihnen jetzt helfen.

Mein Jesus, Barmherzigkeit!
Gloria.TV - Benedicta
Das ist aber sehr schlimm!!!!
Oh Schreck!
Holy Cannoli
Were there any injuries?
Was the fire confined to this one building?
Will the building eventually be inhabitable or will it have to be destroyed?
Were are the residents of the building staying?Mehr

Were there any injuries?
Was the fire confined to this one building?
Will the building eventually be inhabitable or will it have to be destroyed?
Were are the residents of the building staying?