Andrea Gagliarducci says that Archbishop Gänswein’s new book is “full of unpublished works and unknown stories”

What to read in Benedict XVI’s secretary’s ‘tell-all’ book?

Rome Newsroom, Jan 11, 2023 / 12:48 pm In the latest book by Archbishop Georg Gänswein, for 20 years personal secretary to Pope Benedict XVI,…
@Sedevakantistický kanál ,
This is ridiculous.
What on earth you would expect from pagan dancers, how should they greeet the pope, singing psalm?
They danced and the pope thanked them dancing for him.
That's what good manners teach you: if you get something, you should say thank you. That's all and nothing else.More
@Sedevakantistický kanál ,
This is ridiculous.
What on earth you would expect from pagan dancers, how should they greeet the pope, singing psalm?

They danced and the pope thanked them dancing for him.

That's what good manners teach you: if you get something, you should say thank you. That's all and nothing else.
Sedevakantistický kanál
You are idolater man. That is a pagan dance, a ritual. Why on Earth would Catholic thank pagans who dance half naked, while enchanting devils?
Even though it is a pagan dance, it was danced as a greeting to him.
I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm just trying to say that love can be many things, even a pagan dance that was done for him as a greeting.
Sedevakantistický kanál