
Forbidden! Army Veteran Charged for Silent Prayer

Adam Smith-Connor, a father of two and British Army veteran, has been fined for "praying silently" outside a Birmingham abortion clinic, standing by a tree, out of the way of everyone.

He had been in the "no-go zone" around the clinic, which spans several streets, for only a few minutes last November when he was accused of "harassment" by police.

“How could my presence, standing here, possibly in any way, shape or form be considered harassment or intimidation?” - Smith-Connor replied. Police, “It’s the [mental] prayer that you've admitted to.”

Smith-Connor refused to pay a fine, and the case will now go to court in November.

In the past, Smith-Connor has himself participated in abortion as part of his "medical training". 22 years ago, he paid for his girlfriend's abortion. Since 2019, he has been volunteering near the abortion clinic to offer help or pray silently.

No-go zones around abortion clinics are soon to be introduced across England.

Credo .
More power to you mate. Don't let the b-s-t-ards get you down!