Michael Haynes: "Today I asked wef contributor & Pontifical Academy for Life member Mariana Mazzucato about her Academy membership, given her self-professed atheism & pro-abortion views. “I find it …More
Michael Haynes: "Today I asked wef contributor & Pontifical Academy for Life member Mariana Mazzucato about her Academy membership, given her self-professed atheism & pro-abortion views. “I find it very sad that we go backwards instead of forwards” she began."
True Mass
George surrounds himself with evil
Wilma Lopez shares this
She is just pretending that social policy views don't impact economic scholarship, which no economist believes.
Hound of Heaven
Hideous. When will the Francis nightmare be confronted by other leaders in the Church?
It’s like appointing “Dr.” Mengele to an Academy for the Health and Advancement of Jewish Twins.
Green house gasses, scientists, other brilliant people wrestling with how to make sure everyone in the world has access to clean water; abortion? , it makes no difference to me, eternal life, not my concern, people dying after scientists have assured us the injections are safe and effective???
Ivan Tomas
They are like the apprentices of Dr. Frankenstein, while they talk about the redesign of the economy with the alleged, and even possibly some of them with the sincere, goal of helping especially the poor, they do not see, or do not want to see that they are actually creating a monster designed by Dr. Frankenschwab.