
NEJsmutnější PÁTEK v akášické historii Země, vůbec!

Kalyug dosáhl tak spodní úrovně temnoty, že k sestupu k nejnižšímu jmenovateli vědomí k záchraně lidstva byla zapotřebí duše s vysokou vibrací! Nebyl by to ale žádný normální zachránce, který …Více
Kalyug dosáhl tak spodní úrovně temnoty, že k sestupu k nejnižšímu jmenovateli vědomí k záchraně lidstva byla zapotřebí duše s vysokou vibrací! Nebyl by to ale žádný normální zachránce, který by zázračně vyhrabal stíny z jejího jádra a vyléčil lidstvo. Ne! Potřeboval by být tak nebojácně klidný a neochvějný tváří v tvář nepředstavitelné bolesti, aby nepodlehl nevysvětlitelné agónii fyzického mučení a nezeptal se při posledním dechu! Ani náhle neztratit paměť a neztratit Víru. Absolutní víra byla povoláním k předepsané kvalitě!
A tak se JEŽÍŠ KRIST stal Vyvoleným Synem, který se srazil z Království Otce na planetu zdánlivě nezvratné a zapomenuté zkázy!
Byla to nekarmická smlouva. S jakkoli relativní amnézií dozrál plnoletost a přiblížil se svému poslání. Jeho matka by také nebyla obyčejná duše zapletená do cyklů inkarnací a zatížená karmickým přetížením. I ona byla specificky vyvolena, protože to byla její Přítomnost, její Světlo, které by vedlo malého Ježíše k Duchovní zralosti jeho …Více
The SADDEST FRIDAY in the akashic history of Earth, ever!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.5.0 | 1 Rating
Kalyug reached such a bottom level of darkness that a High Vibrational Soul was needed to descend to the lowest denominator of consciousness to save mankind! But it would be no normal saviour who would miraculously scoop out the shadows from its core and heal humanity. No! He would need to be so fearlessly …Více
The SADDEST FRIDAY in the akashic history of Earth, ever!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.5.0 | 1 Rating

Kalyug reached such a bottom level of darkness that a High Vibrational Soul was needed to descend to the lowest denominator of consciousness to save mankind! But it would be no normal saviour who would miraculously scoop out the shadows from its core and heal humanity. No! He would need to be so fearlessly calm and unflinching in the face of unimaginable pain that he would not succumb, under inexplicable agony of physical torture and, ask out at the last breath! Nor suddenly become amnesic and lose Faith. Absolute-ss Faith was the calling of the pre-requisite quality!

And so, JESUS CHRIST came to be the Chosen Son who precipitated from the Kingdom of The Father onto the planet of seemingly irreversible and forsaken doom!

It was a non-karmic Contract. With however relative amnesia till, he came of age and nearer to his Mission. His mother too would be no ordinary soul enmeshed in cycles of incarnations and burdened by karmic overload. She too was specifically Chosen as it would be her Presence, her Light, that would guide baby Jesus into the Spirit Maturity of his task. He would later; at the pivotal anointed day of his mission; seek her eyes for strength, endurance, steadfastness, and the Absolute-ss Faith to unwaveringly fulfil the Divine Purpose for his descent. Without such a High Presence Mother to lean upon, Jesus's Covenant with God could have been endangered. As he would need special training, special nurturing, gradual and smooth glide into his purported task. The Mission was designed to be of Immaculate Victory; one that would thwart every attempt of the Dark, and the attempts and attacks by the devil would be voluminous and ever increasing in merciless ferocity! As Jesus's Light would amplify, so too would the shadows multiply! The devil would ne'er opt out, nor accept defeat. After all, it would be Jesus who uninvitingly trespassed his domain! Jesus would therefore be required to rise into the Full POWER of God in order to exercise God's WILL effectively. For which he was granted 33 years of life on earth! Thirty-three years to reach the 33rd Degree of Christ Consciousness needed to scotch the Devil's Temptation, to exorcise the web of Devil's Darkness and, purge the planet free from its hypnotic slumber. In addition, and thereafter, anchor the Energy of RESURRECTION & ASCENSION into earth and humanity so that, when the Final Hour of Freedom draws nigh - mankind could be saved!

Jesus ignited the "Potential of Victory" in the gameplan of Armageddon adopted by Gaia!

And so approached the


a day definitely 'fried' ...

by the Blood of Christ!



He never flinched

Never waivered

Never got tempted

Never complained

Never succumbed

Never ever, lost Faith!

Never did He say: why have you forsaken me Father?


He asked God to forgive his murderers: as they know not what they do!

His murderers mocked Him: 'If you are the Son of God then where is the miracle? Where is your God? Why hasn't he come to save you?...'

And Jesus continued to pray for the Forgiveness of these souls!

Crowds gathered around in numbers. These were Spectators of curiosity, Spectators of pain and Spectators of love. And two women stood by Him; both of Love embodiment. One symbolizing "Divine Love" and the other embodying "human love". Interestingly - both were Marys'.

Jesus was ne'er without Divine Presences all through his life on earth. His father was Beloved Saint Germain. Today both stand as Brothers and work together in the ascension of earth and humanity. Lord Maitreya too was his guide. Mother Mary went on to become Archangel Mary of the 5th emerald Ray and Mary Magdalene ascended thereafter too and became the Chohan of the 6th Ray. Jesus hence ascended and became the World Teacher along with Lord Kuthumi. He works closely with Goddess of Light, the Chohan of the 1st Secret Crystalline Ray of God's Will.

Furthermore. As Jesus walked the famous trail to his crucifixion, bleeding and hurting, in extreme unimaginable pain and agony of not just the burden of the cross and the crown of thorns, but having been whipped a thousand times, with consequently no skin on his upper torso, he encountered another Angel - Veronica - who dared to pick up Jesus as he tripped and fell under the burden of agony; under the angry glare of the Roman soldiers! She lovingly wiped his face, his eyes, from the pouring blood and helped replenish his thirst. That was no ordinary water ... nor an ordinary cloth! He gifted her His Image on the cloth. That went on to become the Holy Cloth that bore Jesus's Face. The only evidence of His Face! Veronica was/is from His Lineage, in fact, a human form built from His DNA. This was a SuperNatural Encounter that juxtaposed the event!

Though this was the Saddest Event in the archives of Gaia, it led thereafter to a series of Miracles that rolled out one after another.

In a 3D world of endless drama, it is pain and suffering that is always remembered and enshrined! And mankind learns from pain. Ne'er from pleasure! So this had to be the Saddest Fri-Day in the history of the planet to be recalled time and again, again and again, so mankind would always remember and revere!

May this day of Christ; this day of Jesus's sacrifice; be a reminder of the

"Potential of Victory"

He has anchored in your heart

so you may Resurrect the Victory

and engage its Potential to -

Ascend out of the Armageddon!










– ak kresťan dokáže mať počas života sebadisciplínu, striktne dodržiavať desať prikázaní a klásť na svoje vlastné správanie nároky v súlade so zákonmi a prikázaniami a celý život ich dodržiavať, skôr než môže skutočne dosiahnuť takzvané „uchvátenie“, musí stráviť rovnaký čas prechádzaním cyklami života a smrti. Keď toto uchvátenie dosiahne, zostane v duchovnom svete, kde zaujme pozíciu …Více
– ak kresťan dokáže mať počas života sebadisciplínu, striktne dodržiavať desať prikázaní a klásť na svoje vlastné správanie nároky v súlade so zákonmi a prikázaniami a celý život ich dodržiavať, skôr než môže skutočne dosiahnuť takzvané „uchvátenie“, musí stráviť rovnaký čas prechádzaním cyklami života a smrti. Keď toto uchvátenie dosiahne, zostane v duchovnom svete, kde zaujme pozíciu a stane sa jedným z jeho oficiálnych predstaviteľov. Podobne platí, že ak sa na zemi dopustí zla – alebo ak je príliš hriešny a pácha priveľa hriechov –, potom bude nevyhnutne potrestaný a disciplinovaný s rôznou mierou závažnosti.

V budhizme znamená dosiahnutie prebudenia prechod do čistej krajiny najvyššej blaženosti – ako sa to však volá v kresťanstve? Nazýva sa to „vstup na nebesia“ a byť „uchvátený“. Aj tí, ktorí sú skutočne uchvátení, prechádzajú cyklom života a smrti tri až sedemkrát a potom po smrti prichádzajú do duchovného sveta, ako keby zaspali. Ak spĺňajú normu, môžu tam zostať a zaujať pozíciu a na rozdiel od ľudí na zemi nebudú jednoduchým spôsobom alebo podľa zvyklosti prevtelení.

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