Disgraced former cardinal McCarrick gave more than $600,000 in church funds to powerful clerics.
10% of McCarrick's "charity" fund went to grease clerics, while 10% of pope's "charity" fund (aka Peter's Pence) actually went to charity (though PP also intended to pay Curia upkeep)

Disgraced former cardinal McCarrick gave more than $600,000 in church funds to powerful clerics, …

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, now defrocked, prepares to celebrate Mass at the Basilica of Sts. Nereus …
De Profundis
And Dolan? Cupich? Tobin? Tagle? Wuerl? And what about Camarlengo Farrell? McCarrick's immediate neighbor.
Benedict XVI got 250,000
Dr Bobus
No surprise. McCarrick was a man who knew how to game the system. And there were people like Farrell who knew McC was a path up. What is interesting is that he was not Abp of a rich diocese, e.g., LA
If nothing else, Ratzinger knew about McC lying through the distortion of the letter sent by the Cardinal to the US bishops about Communion to pro abort politicos.
The money was not for BXVI personally …More
No surprise. McCarrick was a man who knew how to game the system. And there were people like Farrell who knew McC was a path up. What is interesting is that he was not Abp of a rich diocese, e.g., LA

If nothing else, Ratzinger knew about McC lying through the distortion of the letter sent by the Cardinal to the US bishops about Communion to pro abort politicos.

The money was not for BXVI personally. Ratzinger already had money when he was elected pope--his books had sold very well. He turned his net worth over to the Church.