Wilma Lopez
In one case, a bishop didn't want to be photographed sitting next to a priest with whom he had numerous disagreements.

Bishops walking out, 'tiresome' listening: Inside tensions at the synod

View from the Vatican: It was less than two weeks into the synod on synodality when multiple reports emerged about participating …
Though from the notorious NCR (the "Fishwrap" as Fr. Z calls it 🤪) I would urge people to read this article. It blows the lid off this phony "process" that Francis & co. want to inflict on the Church. Two take-away points: 1) tensions & disagreements were expected & even desired - so much for the ballyhooed unity that was mentioned at press conferences, 2) bishops are being side-lined. The article …More
Though from the notorious NCR (the "Fishwrap" as Fr. Z calls it 🤪) I would urge people to read this article. It blows the lid off this phony "process" that Francis & co. want to inflict on the Church. Two take-away points: 1) tensions & disagreements were expected & even desired - so much for the ballyhooed unity that was mentioned at press conferences, 2) bishops are being side-lined. The article related an incident where a bishop objected to something and an anonymous commentator said "He doesn't have the right or authority to command things." THIS IS THE SYNODAL WAY!!!