
Gay-Welcoming Cardinal, "Unthinkable 20 Years Ago“

Redemptorist priest Francis Gargani told nj.com that he convinced Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, NJ, USA, during a dinner to support a homosexualist pilgrimage to Newark Cathedral on May 21. Later, Gargani sent to the Cardinal the draft of an advertisement for the event. Tobin replied per email, "I am delighted that you and the LGBTQ brothers and sisters plan to visit our beautiful cathedral.“ And: "You will be very welcome! The flier is fine; please circulate it."

The American Jesuit James Martin - a notorious homosexualist and councilor for the Vatican Secretariat for Communications – rejoices on Twitter: "This would have been unthinkable 20 years ago.”

Picture: Joseph Tobin, © Adsderrick on Wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsZcwjmzufdq
GJA Taylor
arrogant old fools
God is not sleeping ,this Cardinal like others ,that not follow the Truth of Gospel they,ll be accountable