
Vatican’s Academy for Life Attacks Human Life International

Vatican Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the president of the Academy for Life, sees an urgent task of broadening the pro-life vision. He told cruxnow.com that being pro-life is also about the environment …More
Vatican Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, the president of the Academy for Life, sees an urgent task of broadening the pro-life vision. He told cruxnow.com that being pro-life is also about the environment, pollution, elderly and oppression of children.
Paglia slammed one of the most prestigious Catholic pro-life organisations, “Human Life International, for example, describes its mission as confronting the ‘evils of abortion, contraception, euthanasia/assisted suicide, and the redefinition of marriage,’ but makes no mention of the small arms trade or the death penalty (there are close to 3,000 currently on death row).”
Paglia forgot to mention that Human Life International neither has a program to assist crack-brained clergymen.
Picture: Vincenzo Paglia, #newsLhrfhpsbcn
GJA Taylor
The Vatican Academy of Garbage. Why don't these old faithless fools go live in a villa somewhere and stay there?
Angie W.
(Apostate) "Archbishop" Paglia: Please resign as head of the Vatican's Academy for Life! lifepetitions.com/petition/paglia
Richard Marquis
Robster, I agree with you. A Mission Statement must be concise. The prolife message is precisely that. Wonder how long he has worked in the trenches--IF ever?
Typical critique; focus on what they don't do, not what they do
crack-brained clergymen.. Lol, Perhaps someone should start a fundraiser for the construction of padded rooms for these crack-brained clergymen, there seems to be many today, We can called it "Jorge's crack pot for crack-brained clergymen!"