
German Parish Invents Confession without Confession

Peter and Paul Parish in Bochum, Germany, is deceiving churchgoers with pseudo-confessions.

According to the most recent parish bulletin, the parish invented a "silent confession" during the Corona hysteria. This self-deception was repeated on the 4th and 5th Sundays of Lent.

It works like this: you examine your conscience at home or in church. After Mass, you go to the priest, begin your "confession" with the sign of the cross and "silently, without loud words," bring your sins "before God". Afterwards, you ask the priest for a magical "absolution" of sins that he doesn't know.

It is puzzling why a priest is needed for this. If the "confession" is silent, then God can simply give a "silent absolution." People are told that "no one" has to go to the confessional to get rid of their sins.


Jason l
None of those silent sins were forgiven. Humility is part of the deal.
Maria Lylyander
No pun intended.
Maria Lylyander
Wow! I am speechless.