
„Francis Attack On Celibacy Follows A Concrete Timetable“

Pope Francis wants to change the Church by a slow process to avoid a schism that would be the result of a shock-and-awe method, according to the German journalist Julius Müller-Meiningen.

Writing on zeit.de (March 9), he explains that Francis is a “shrewd tactician” who has already introduced Communion for adulterers and plans an “attack on celibacy” next, “The preparations for this are not vague at all, but follow a concrete timetable.”

A first debate against celibacy will take place at the upcoming Youth Synod in October 2018 and the main debate at the 2019 Amazon Synod.

According to Müller-Meiningen, Francis’ “trick” consists in abolishing norms by ignoring them in “individual cases”. This can further be applied to homosexuals, contraception and female deacons.

Picture: © Mazur, thepapalvisit.org.uk, CC BY-NC, #newsQgadmsyohs
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