June 26, 2024: Is Abp. Vigano Caught Up In Some Mass-Crushing Campaign?
Sean Johnson
Lefebvre never refused a priori to consider the possibility that the conciliar popes were nopes. He simply, as a prudential judgment, thought it best at the time not to go down that road, while admitting on several occasions that the day could come when they’d have to acknowledge these were not real popes. 38 years later, Vigano seems simply to be saying that day has now come.
Sean Johnson card Bergoglio was elected while pope Benedict occupied Petrine Office contrary to other canonically elected post conciliar legitimate popes. See the difference ?
Circumstantial evidence is not sufficient to support the Viganò declaration, he may very well be right but we cannot know with certainty the state of mind of Betgolio when he accepted. It is clear however that Viganò has good reason for believing what he does. Would love to see a public trial but that would limit the vaticans ability to deceive so it will never happen.
In adddition to these true observations, FSSPX is simply paying loyalty fee to the usurper for receiving his sacramental indults in violation of canon law. Many were put to test and failed by falling into deception with "Francis", after they rejected pope Benedict XVI who transferred TLM to Church universal availability. In contrary to FSSPX interest of agreement to grant them exclusive exercise of …More
In adddition to these true observations, FSSPX is simply paying loyalty fee to the usurper for receiving his sacramental indults in violation of canon law. Many were put to test and failed by falling into deception with "Francis", after they rejected pope Benedict XVI who transferred TLM to Church universal availability. In contrary to FSSPX interest of agreement to grant them exclusive exercise of rights to celebrate Mass, as if Mass was their sole intellectual ownership.

The only way out of this trad division and further destruction of the Church is if tradition would unite in resistance. FSSPX members could join the resistance or if FSSPX would be punished by card Bergoglio thereafter turning against him , which is highly unlikely due to current mutual interests.
Naomi Arai
I agree, Frank. Love the SSPX, but they need to keep their noses out of some things. This is why the SSPX-MC exists. I really get frustrated with their past jabber about wearing masks and taking the clot shot. Just nuts. Stick with saying the Mass and tradition
I have the same disturbed feeling about the processions. So glad it wasn’t just me.
Finally the Masses for Trump were something I agreed …More
I agree, Frank. Love the SSPX, but they need to keep their noses out of some things. This is why the SSPX-MC exists. I really get frustrated with their past jabber about wearing masks and taking the clot shot. Just nuts. Stick with saying the Mass and tradition

I have the same disturbed feeling about the processions. So glad it wasn’t just me.

Finally the Masses for Trump were something I agreed with last election cycle. We NEED more Masses. With all the illegals and dead people, it’s gonna take an act of God to help us.