
Cardinal-designate: „I don't share the view of what Archbishop Chaput did, no."

Cardinal-designate Kevin J. Farrell, the prefect of the new Vatican office for laity, family and life, spoke with „Catholic News Service“ on Amoris Laetitia. The implementation of the document "has to be done in communion with our bishops. I think that it would have been wiser to wait for the gathering of the conference of bishops where all the bishops of the United States or all the bishops of a country would sit down and discuss these things."

A conference-wide discussion would ensure "an approach that would not cause as much division among bishops and dioceses, and misunderstandings."
Farrell criticises the pastoral guidelines issued by Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia. He is the head of a U.S. bishops’ committee for implementing "Amoris Laetitia". Chaput writes that divorced and civilly remarried couples are welcome in parishes, but may not receive communion unless they live as brother and sister.
Farell thinks that “there are all kinds of different circumstances and situations that we have to look at -- each case as it is presented to us": "I don't share the view of what Archbishop Chaput did, no."

Pictures: Wikipedia; left: Msgr. Chaput, right: Msgr. Farrell
Remember: Farrell was a member of the Legion of Christ.
Here we are: The ultramontanist Kevin J. Farrell fights against the archbishop of Philadelphia, sorry, against the Catholic archbishop of Philadelphia.