
Cardinals Admit: Agenda Imposed On Francis Synod

Cardinals Grech and Hollerich, Secretary General and General Relator of the Synod on Synodality, published a January 30 letter to all bishops regarding concerns about the Synod.

At one point in the wordy and pompous text, the two are - probably without meaning to be - honest.

They write that there are "some who presume to know what the conclusions of the Synodal Assembly will be" and that "others would like to impose an agenda on the Synod" with the intention of "determining its outcome".

This is not surprising, since every synod organised by Francis has been a pretext for rubber-stamping preconceived decisions.

Picture: Jean-Claude Hollerich, Mario Grech © Mazur CC BY-NC-SA, #newsSnoybitwku

Salvatore Bastatti
Francis Is the Pope
No, "Francis" is not the Pope. He has, through heretical teaching (some have interpreted it as stupidity, but I do not buy that), excommunicated himself (check Aquinas and Bellarmine on this.)
I want to know, more importantly why Ratzinger-- in the face of God-- resigned an office he was supposed to hold till called by the Divine. What he did was metaphysically disgusting-- …More
Francis Is the Pope

No, "Francis" is not the Pope. He has, through heretical teaching (some have interpreted it as stupidity, but I do not buy that), excommunicated himself (check Aquinas and Bellarmine on this.)

I want to know, more importantly why Ratzinger-- in the face of God-- resigned an office he was supposed to hold till called by the Divine. What he did was metaphysically disgusting-- especially lying about why he resigned. He claimed health, (now we read "insomnia")-- and lives 8 more years?
Wilma Lopez shares this
Two central figures in the global synodal process released a lengthy letter to the world’s bishops Monday.