
Nicaragua: Bishop Sentenced To 26 Years In Prison

Matagalpa Bishop Rolando Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua, was sentenced to 26 years and four months in prison on February 10.

He was accused of being a “traitor to the country” [= opposition].

According to the court, Álvarez “undermined national security and sovereignty, spread false news through information technology, obstructed a public official in the performance of his duties, and aggravated disobedience or contempt of authority.”

On Thursday, Nicaragua sent 222 political prisoners to the US but Álvarez refused to board the plane, according to Nicaragua's president Daniel Ortega.

Picture: © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsBvahwncbcn
German left inspired leaders of the political so called catholik church would not do so.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
What did Pope Francis and the Vatican do to help this good man, besides nothing. That is because he is a "conservative" Bishop who stood for the teachings and rights of the Church, and wanted to care for his people. Now if he were gay, or pro-LGBTQ, and a Marxist liberation theology fanatic, Francis and his Vatican would have done everything to save him.
Sally Dorman shares this
Government of Nicaragua has sentenced Bishop Álvarez to 26 years in prison for “treason” after he refuses to leave his parishioners yesterday when offered a flight to freedom in the US.
Malki Tzedek
May God bless him with wisdom, courage and strength.
paul arten
Truely a good Sheppard to his flock.