Gloria TV News on the Feast of Chair of Peter. Dr Bernard Nathanson Has Died United States Bernard Nathanson, a former abortionist turned top pro-life activist died yesterday morning at the age of 84…More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of Chair of Peter.

Dr Bernard Nathanson Has Died

United States

Bernard Nathanson, a former abortionist turned top pro-life activist died yesterday morning at the age of 84 after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was perhaps best known for his role in creating the pro-life video The Silent Scream. As director of an abortion clinic Nathanson oversaw 75,000 abortions. His pro-life conversion was sparked by the advent of the ultrasound machine in the early 1970s. He has related how he was moved to acknowledge the humanity of the unborn child after he watched an unborn baby recoil from a vacuum abortion device before being sucked from its mother’s womb. Later, Nathanson who was born a Jew, was reborn a Catholic.

UN Promotes Individualist Ideology


Archbishop Silvano Tomasi has said that “the United Nations aspires to create a new international order and to do so it creates a anthropology chosen by the individual”. Tomasi is the Holy See’s chief diplomat at UN offices in Geneva. He explained that the abandonment of words such as father, mother, husband, and wife from UN documents “represents an individualist ideology taken to the extreme and … inspires the guidelines of the employees of world governance.”

New Nuncio in Russia


Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic has been named the apostolic nuncio to Russia. Jurkovic becomes the first Vatican representative in Moscow to hold that rank since full diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Russia were established last year. Archbishop Jurkovic is a Slovenian native and longtime Vatican diplomat who served before as an apostolic nuncio in the Ukraine. He replaces Archbishop Antonio Mennini. He was appointed in December as apostolic nuncio to Great Britain.

Former Anglican Bishop of Ballarat Ordained a Priest

Great Britain

Fr. David Silk, former Anglican Bishop of Ballarat, Australia, was ordained a Catholic Priest Friday at Buckfast Abbey by Bishop Christopher Budd of Plymouth. The ceremony was under the authority of the ordinary Fr. Keth Newton. Fr David Silk will serve the ordinariate parishes in the southwest of England.

Virgin Mary Depicted As a Lesbian


Fr. Benoît Bertrand (Bönuà Bertrã), the vicar general of the diocese of Nantes (Nãt), France, has condemned an exhibition that uses old statues of Our Lady who were painted in rainbow-colors and grouped in sexual positions. The vicar general declared that the Marian representations are used in a profane and disrespectful way. He added: "We must be more vigilant about selling old church artifacts".
What abundance of God's grace in Dr. Bernard Nathanson's life:
perhaps the former largest abortionist saved more babies with his undergoing conversion and his making the movie
than he killed through his false propaganda and with his own hands.
@ Cannoli - Re damning people to hell - St. Teresa of Avilla used to pray for Judas soul!!! She knew the Heart of God - Blessings - Rene
The UN is an anti-Christ. It is also an anti-Vatican and wants to remake humanity in its own image! The Church must oppose it and its unatural plans. No more working with the UN and its demonic agenda.
I hope people are protesting against the evil desecration of Our Lady. Everyone else is protesting.....time Catholics did too!!More
The UN is an anti-Christ. It is also an anti-Vatican and wants to remake humanity in its own image! The Church must oppose it and its unatural plans. No more working with the UN and its demonic agenda.

I hope people are protesting against the evil desecration of Our Lady. Everyone else is protesting.....time Catholics did too!!
Holy Cannoli
Dr Bernard Nathanson Has Died
United States
I've read some interesting comments regarding Dr Bernard Nathanson's death and its wider implications including comments from some Catholics.
[4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4)
If I, a miserable insignificant worm, had the power to command, I would command that people adopt the above attitude …More
Dr Bernard Nathanson Has Died

United States

I've read some interesting comments regarding Dr Bernard Nathanson's death and its wider implications including comments from some Catholics.

[4] Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4)

If I, a miserable insignificant worm, had the power to command, I would command that people adopt the above attitude as their own; and if they cannot, they should stop talking in the name of the Lord.

As difficult as the concept may be for us, nobody can say with pointblank certainty that any particular individual is in hell no matter how hell-bent they were in this life: not Hitler, not Mengele, Mao, Stalin and not whole groups, nations, religions, races, or political movements even though they be non-Christian. The Church canonizes, but does not demonize.

As for appalling criminals getting unmerited mercy at the last second: that is God's business to figure out, not (thank God) mine or anyone else.

Dr Bernard Nathanson, Requiescat in pace.

Good morning, Doina
