Gloria.TV News on the 8th of October 2015 Teflon Pope: John Allen writes that Pope Francis is in a position to ride out whatever storms may come because he’s insulated by his own narrative. Quote: “…More
Gloria.TV News on the 8th of October 2015

Teflon Pope: John Allen writes that Pope Francis is in a position to ride out whatever storms may come because he’s insulated by his own narrative. Quote: “Francis is the “People’s Pope,” a humble, simple reformer trying to steer Catholicism toward greater compassion and mercy. It’s made him a moral hero outside the bounds of the Church, as well as something of a “Teflon” figure to whom no criticism ever seems to stick for very long.”

Bad Average: The 13 discussion groups at the Synod have elected their moderators and speakers. Of the thirteen moderators, three can be recognized as defenders of Catholic positions: the Cardinals Sarah, Pell and Bagnasco. Among the thirteen speakers only two are likely to present Catholic positions: Archbishop Chaput and Cardinal Piacenza. The latter was removed by Francis as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.

Gradualism: Father Ray Blake has published another pearl. Quote: “I wonder if Gradualism itself was the cause of the cover-up of child abuse. We tried to see the good and ignored the evil men did. We overlooked heresy because we saw niceness.”

More Inviting: Eva Brunne, a Swedish Lutheran bishopess and lesbian, has proposed to remove Christian symbols of the Seamen's Church in Stockholm, to make it more inviting for other religions. She also suggested setting up in the church a prayer room that marks the direction of Mecca. She believes this would make the church less offensive to the Muslim refugees entering the country.

Converted? Bolivia president Evo Morales attended Mass for the feast of Saint Francis after more than 40 years of absence. Morales said that he – quote – “prayed for the life of Pope Francis, that his struggle for equality and solidarity and against the capitalist system will end well."
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St Turibio Romo
Morales could attend the Mass because there is a new religion in situ that matches his own. He continues to be an enemy of the Catholic Church and the One True Faith.