Gloria.TV News on the 8th of October 2015 Teflon Pope: John Allen writes that Pope Francis is in a position to ride out whatever storms may come because he’s insulated by his own narrative. Quote: “…More
Gloria.TV News on the 8th of October 2015
Teflon Pope: John Allen writes that Pope Francis is in a position to ride out whatever storms may come because he’s insulated by his own narrative. Quote: “Francis is the “People’s Pope,” a humble, simple reformer trying to steer Catholicism toward greater compassion and mercy. It’s made him a moral hero outside the bounds of the Church, as well as something of a “Teflon” figure to whom no criticism ever seems to stick for very long.”
Bad Average: The 13 discussion groups at the Synod have elected their moderators and speakers. Of the thirteen moderators, three can be recognized as defenders of Catholic positions: the Cardinals Sarah, Pell and Bagnasco. Among the thirteen speakers only two are likely to present Catholic positions: Archbishop Chaput and Cardinal Piacenza. The latter was removed by Francis as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy.
Gradualism: Father Ray Blake has published another pearl. Quote: “I wonder if Gradualism …More
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St Turibio Romo
Morales could attend the Mass because there is a new religion in situ that matches his own. He continues to be an enemy of the Catholic Church and the One True Faith.