Soon many will meet their Maker and the hardest part for me to tell people when I with all love alert them from these so called vaccines is that they will die from them very soon and to have their soul ready before they appear at the Judgment Seat of God. Those that survive from these death jabs will be chained up as slaves to the New World Order Antichrist Globalists which is a slow death. Those …More
Soon many will meet their Maker and the hardest part for me to tell people when I with all love alert them from these so called vaccines is that they will die from them very soon and to have their soul ready before they appear at the Judgment Seat of God. Those that survive from these death jabs will be chained up as slaves to the New World Order Antichrist Globalists which is a slow death. Those who will NEVER take these satanic jabs are in the Hands of God the Father and Author of Life

Official Government data proves the Fully Vaccinated are on the road to disaster and suggests the …

Data available from the UK Health Security Agency suggests things are about to take a turn for the …
I just saw a video in which it was claimed that the name of God is written in all of our DNA; the devilish plan to change our DNA is to put Lucifer in our DNA instead of God.