
New appointment in the [irrelevant] Roman Curia?

MessaInLatino (16 August) writes that the Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon, Amerigo Manuel Alves Aguiar, 49, who will become a Francis Cardinal next September, will be appointed Prefect of the Dicastery for …More
MessaInLatino (16 August) writes that the Auxiliary Bishop of Lisbon, Amerigo Manuel Alves Aguiar, 49, who will become a Francis Cardinal next September, will be appointed Prefect of the Dicastery for the Family, Laity and Life, replacing Cardinal Kevin Farrell, 75. In the past, Farrell was a close associate of Cardinal McCarrick, and Francis has given him many appointments (APSA, Camerlengo, Commission for Confidential Matters, Divine Worship, Investment Committee, Court of Cassation).
Picture: Amerigo Manuel Alves Aguiar, Kevin Farrell © wikipedia CC BY-SA, #newsZrkxmpnghy
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good to see Farrell out. I wonder if this Portuguese guy will be any better. I doubt it. Francis only wants homosexuals and pro-homos around him. This person is probably more of the same filth.