
Spectacular Letter: Francis’ Vatican Is a Den of Snakes

Some have been excluded from the Becciu process although they were involved in the misdeeds, and one of them is the deputy Secretary of State Edgar Peña Parra, writes Specola (InfoVaticana.org, August 7).

Specola had access to Peña’s letter to the Vatican prosecutors in which he speaks of “anonymous letters,” “pressure to sign documents,” “rigged contracts," and "clientelism and favouritism."

“This is the Vatican Secretariat of State's description from the inside,” – Specola summarises, “Today we have only a preview, but the full text will surely be leaked soon.”

It would need a Hercules to clean up the mess, Francis leaves behind him.

Picture: Edgar Peña Parra © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsEyirwvxuae