
New Appointment for Francis Victim

Francis appointed on May 18 Hong Kong-born Maltese nuncio Savio Hon Tai-Fai, 72, also as nuncio to Libya. The two posts have been linked since 1995. Hon, like Cardinal Zen, is a Salesian. Both became victims of Francis because they were sceptical of Francis' policy towards China, which, indeed, turned out to be a total disaster. Francis cannot take criticism. So he shipped Hon as a nuncio first to Greece, and then to Malta including now Libya. Hon is a theologian and has no diplomatic training. He was a member of the Vatican's useless International Theological Commission, when Cardinal Ratzinger noticed him and later brought him to Rome as the secretary of Propaganda Fidei.
Jason l
I shudder to think who his replacement is.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Can you imagine how happy faithful/traditional Catholics will be, and all the Cardinals, Bishops and priests, religious Orders and others, will be when Francis is gone?!!! I think he will be the first Pope in centuries, that when his death is announced, faithful will come out in the streets and Churches applauding and cheering...insteand of weeping like they did especially for the great Pope Pius XII.