
Vatican at Exhibition: Self-Portrait with Some Childish Blocks of Wood

The Vatican will present an exhibition at the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale (May-November 2023) that is entitled “Social friendship: meeting in the garden”. The exhibition includes ridiculous "sculptures" by a Portuguese architect (pictured). According to the Vatican's Dicastery for Culture, the exhibition revolves around Francis' encyclicals Laudato Si (2015) and Fratelli tutti (2020) and is a [too revealing] way of celebrating the tenth anniversary of Francis' pontificate.


Hound of Heaven
We have just completed the Lenten cycle crowned with the prayerful Ecce Lignum Crucis, "Behold the wood of the cross on which hung the salvation of the world" and this trivialization follows so soon afterwards?!! How pathetic. Our Vatican leaders have lost their minds.
Obviously nothing artistic about this, but demonic in portraying humanity as genderless and without unique identity. It screams hatred for mankind. How miserable the perpetuators of this must be.
So glad Our Father in Heaven sees the exact opposite in each of us. Deo gratias!More
Obviously nothing artistic about this, but demonic in portraying humanity as genderless and without unique identity. It screams hatred for mankind. How miserable the perpetuators of this must be.

So glad Our Father in Heaven sees the exact opposite in each of us. Deo gratias!
Jeffrey Ade
I find your comment very interesting. I think you are right although I didn't want to consider the reality at first. They do in fact hate us, and they use opportunities to mock us! Thanks for the comment! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I played with these kind of wooden blocks when I was a kid in grammar school 20 years ago, when I was 8. I could have done better than this pix. These blocks (I forget their name), and Legos kept me and my brothers and sisters occupied for hours. Legos is how my eldest brother, Saburo (baptised as Matthew) got interested in being an architect, which he is today in Philly.
Maybe we should all send …More
I played with these kind of wooden blocks when I was a kid in grammar school 20 years ago, when I was 8. I could have done better than this pix. These blocks (I forget their name), and Legos kept me and my brothers and sisters occupied for hours. Legos is how my eldest brother, Saburo (baptised as Matthew) got interested in being an architect, which he is today in Philly.
Maybe we should all send Francis coloring books and crayons, Legos, modeling clay, building blocks like these, and Lincoln logs (anyone remember them....my Dad had them as a child in the very early 1970's). Maybe we could send Francis some childrens books to read too. Keep him and his Vatican staff amused.
Maybe they found it was too irresistible as a way to fill an empty room in under 10 minutes!
Jeffrey Ade
If only they were so shallow!