Gloria.TV News on the 25th of February 2015 Blacklisted Cardinals: According to Sandro Magister the times are hard for cardinals who are seen as "dissenters" with respect to the liberal guidelines of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of February 2015

Blacklisted Cardinals: According to Sandro Magister the times are hard for cardinals who are seen as "dissenters" with respect to the liberal guidelines of Pope Francis. Magister mentions the ultra-Bergoglian portal “Vatican Insider” which bashed three orthodox Cardinals in the span of a few days. On February 14 it attacked Cardinal Burke for lèse-majesté toward the pope. On February 16 it reported with insider-knowledge on moves to limit the powers of Cardinal Pell. On February 19 it gave great emphasis to the sarcasm of a Chinese priest who attacked Cardinal Joseph Zen.

No Evangelization: On February 23th Mohan Bhagwat, the chief of the Indian Hindu nationalist organization RSS said that Mother Theresa’s work – quote – could have been good, but it was done with the precise goal to convert the assisted people to Christianity. The Indian Bishops disclaimed Bhagwat yesterday saying – quote – “that the reputation of a person as holy person as Mother Teresa was questioned by attributing hidden motives to a life wholly devoted to humanitarian assistance to the poor and sick.”

Burqa of the Hair? On February 2nd, during a conference hosted by the Vatican press office plastic surgery was called a “burqa of the flesh.” As chance would have it, the next day in the same press office another official conference saw the presence at the podium of several religious sisters who – as Sandro Magister adds rascally - obviously dye their hair.

Two Measures: Sandro Magister has remembered yesterday that the 200 Dominican School Sisters of Fanjeaux with 1000 pupils, mostly girls, were not allowed to have Mass in any church in Rome during their pilgrimage early February. The sisters are close to the Society of Pius X. For Sandro Magister the matter is rather unusual in a diocese like that of Rome in which important churches have been entrusted to Orthodox communities, and where even parishes host the ceremonies of non-Catholic Coptic or Romanian communities.
la verdad prevalece
Dos varas de medir:
Sandro Magister recordó ayer que las 200 Hermanas dominicas educadoras de Fanjeaux con 1.000 alumnos, en su mayoría niñas, no se les permitió celebrar la misa en una iglesia en Roma durante su peregrinación a principios de febrero. Las hermanas están cerca de la Sociedad de Pío X. Para Sandro Magister el asunto es bastante inusual en una diócesis como la de Roma, en el que …More
Dos varas de medir:
Sandro Magister recordó ayer que las 200 Hermanas dominicas educadoras de Fanjeaux con 1.000 alumnos, en su mayoría niñas, no se les permitió celebrar la misa en una iglesia en Roma durante su peregrinación a principios de febrero. Las hermanas están cerca de la Sociedad de Pío X. Para Sandro Magister el asunto es bastante inusual en una diócesis como la de Roma, en el que las iglesias importantes se han confiado a las comunidades ortodoxas, y donde incluso parroquias acogen las ceremonias de no católicos coptos o de las comunidades rumanas.
la verdad prevalece
Cardenales en la lista negra:
Según Sandro Magister los tiempos son difíciles para los cardenales que son vistos como "disidentes" con respecto a las directrices liberales de Francisco. Magister menciona el portal ultra-Bergogliano "Vatican Insider", que atacó a tres cardenales ortodoxos en el lapso de unos pocos días. El 14 de febrero atacó al cardenal Burke por lèse-majesté hacia Francisco. …More
Cardenales en la lista negra:
Según Sandro Magister los tiempos son difíciles para los cardenales que son vistos como "disidentes" con respecto a las directrices liberales de Francisco. Magister menciona el portal ultra-Bergogliano "Vatican Insider", que atacó a tres cardenales ortodoxos en el lapso de unos pocos días. El 14 de febrero atacó al cardenal Burke por lèse-majesté hacia Francisco. El 16 de febrero se reportó con información confidencial sobre medidas para limitar los poderes del cardenal Pell. El 19 de febrero hicieron énfasis en el sarcasmo de un sacerdote chino que atacó al cardenal Joseph Zen
Whats going on with our leaders in Rome ,Are they for Christ or looking good to our secular world ?