holyrope 3
The Gay Priest Party! How many priests and bishops are going to be in Hell? www.latinmasstimes.comMore
The Gay Priest Party!
How many priests and bishops are going to be in Hell?
Voris, God with you! Amen. Amen. Amen.
Its just unfathomable that Our Lord would descend upon the altar when a sodomite 'priest' says the consecration prayer. He would be put back onto the Cross Again!! Lord Have Mercy!
How much longer can the hand of God be held back? Are the three days of darkness coming? Be prepared.
There are signs. Very recent signs.
Is the recent NASA pic a warning?More
How much longer can the hand of God be held back? Are the three days of darkness coming? Be prepared.
There are signs. Very recent signs.

Is the recent NASA pic a warning?
Expose the miscreants!
Well said lukedaniel & rhemes. Priests need to know that if they expose the Truth, we Catholics will support them! Don't allow intimidation and fear to rule you! Do what you know the apostles would have done! Expose them for the sake of their souls and those they 'minister' to. You must!
Honestly Horrifying, but sadly not a surprise.
The Greater horror here is the openness of these priests to bring their homosexual sodomite partners to a diocese function WITHOUT FEAR of being called out. How many more were there were not so bold, {well not this year}.
How about it, all you Knights of Columbus...Never Ever Criticize a Catholic priest? Silence always? Do you really think these men …More
Honestly Horrifying, but sadly not a surprise.
The Greater horror here is the openness of these priests to bring their homosexual sodomite partners to a diocese function WITHOUT FEAR of being called out. How many more were there were not so bold, {well not this year}.
How about it, all you Knights of Columbus...Never Ever Criticize a Catholic priest? Silence always? Do you really think these men are teaching your children the faith?
Do you think St. Paul or St John the Evangelist would be silent?
Do you think you are still Catholic?

WAKE UP CATHOLICS! Not only your soul, and the Priest's soul, But YOUR CHILDREN'S souls are at stake.

Thank you again Mr. Voris
Voris, we've heard all this before (thanks to you!)... but we need to hear what is going to be done about it! Sure the priest who went to the chancery will be persecuted...so what happens..everything still remains hidden. How is that helping the priesthood? The Faithful? The Whole Church by keeping it under wraps? If your going to be persecuted then be persecuted for the Truth and be done with it!…More
Voris, we've heard all this before (thanks to you!)... but we need to hear what is going to be done about it! Sure the priest who went to the chancery will be persecuted...so what happens..everything still remains hidden. How is that helping the priesthood? The Faithful? The Whole Church by keeping it under wraps? If your going to be persecuted then be persecuted for the Truth and be done with it!! Just glad I have the Latin Mass to go to!
Enough talking..where's the action?!
KICK THE PERVERTS OUT! Save our children!! Stop Supporting them!
I agree! They should immediately be exposed for who they really are. Why do they continue hiding behind a veil of lies and deceitfulness? As if the public haven't been kept in darkness for the last 50+yrs..and they're still doing it. Only the people..you Catholics out there who sit in your churches putting money into their collection baskets every week..only you, by speaking up and demanding an …More
I agree! They should immediately be exposed for who they really are. Why do they continue hiding behind a veil of lies and deceitfulness? As if the public haven't been kept in darkness for the last 50+yrs..and they're still doing it. Only the people..you Catholics out there who sit in your churches putting money into their collection baskets every week..only you, by speaking up and demanding an account of such sinful behavior and demanding that everyone of these homos be exposed as well as the bishops who turn and look the other way..until people MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE will this ever have the least bit of hope of some sort of remedy! ... Stop supporting Perversion!! Stop the Deceit and Lies!!
ignea orationem
if this is true, they should be exposed immediately, or don't report on it! We need responsible, accountable stories with sources and names if we are gonna have a chance to gain any credibility. 🤦
What evil times we live in.