
Spain: Army Humiliates Anti-Christian Government

Spain’s anti-Christian government of Pedro Sánchez, a saloon socialist, attempted this year to drastically reduce the presence of the military at Toledo’s famous Corpus Christi procession.

Usually, a big contingent of military personnel from different departments of the local military academy participates. But this year, Sánchez wanted only a small presence of volunteers.

The military obeyed. Therefore, only one group of volunteers went, namely, the entire academy: six companies and two battalions. No one was absent.


My question is; Were the bishops upset that Dear leader was disobeyed by the academy?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Probably. Except for afew, they are probably Bergoglians....especially the new pro-LGBTQ pervert loving new Archbishop of Madrid, appointed by Bergoglio before his serious (sob, sob, boo hoo), operation in the hospital. 😂