
Münster Diocese: Homosex Regime Service Concludes Homosex March

On 19 August, Haltern am See (38K inhabitants), Germany, organised a homosex march.

The local St Sixtus Parish participated by advertising the march and had its own stage in front of the church, which was desecrated with a homosex flag.

The event concluded, as the parish website puts it, with "an alternative [= regime-affiliated] service" on the church forecourt.

Münster Diocese promoted this on its Instagram account.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Filth! No wonder so many Germamn Catholics are quitting the "established" CAtholic Church for Catholic tradition. By the time Pope Francis and his homos are through, there will be no one lest of the Vatican II Church faithful to it's "reforms" HUrrah!!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi..Kenjiro...thanks for you answer to me....it's always ok....just, just if you have time....talk to me...it's enough!!! just always I am really sorry to you..I many annoying to you....German Catholic Church going to so horrible way....and much serious situation...German Church want..spread to all the World...their wrong Ideology...like many area of Africa, Some area of Asia …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi..Kenjiro...thanks for you answer to me....it's always ok....just, just if you have time....talk to me...it's enough!!! just always I am really sorry to you..I many annoying to you....German Catholic Church going to so horrible way....and much serious situation...German Church want..spread to all the World...their wrong Ideology...like many area of Africa, Some area of Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe...so horrible...just really few Bishops are Orthodox(even though not perfect, has many fault..but include Eminence Cardinal Woelki...Archbishop of Colgne..)...so sad situation....I am sure...if, if Bergoglio want protect to our Orthodox Teachings...he must, must stop to horrible German Synod...but this man no!! it's means he support to this wrong Agenda...really, really hope we will see real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...do you think Bergoglio's health is no good??? I am not sure...be cause Vatican hide to his health.....many talking sorry..God bless always you and all your family, lovely people..take care....